Flashback: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

A while later a I took a big bite of pizza as Caroline turned the tequila bottle up then handed it to me. We had thought it was the best idea ever to get on YouTube and find videos of the boys. I had rooted out the one of Brantley singing "Freeballin" a couple years ago making her laugh so hard she fell off the couch. 

"What I wanna know," she slurred looking up at me with a grin then stretching out of the floor. "Is just how big those hands are?"

"Not tellin ya," I said with a wink taking another shot. Caroline grabbed my foot that was hanging off the couch to glare at me. She gave it a tug yanking me down beside her with a yelp. Sylo lifted his head up off his bed looking at us like we were a pair of idiots. I pushed her arm then passed the bottle over.

"Please....." she begged. "Come on! Big hands, girl and those feet. That smirk. I swear I'll take you words a truth and not pull the ruler out around him ever again."

"I call bullshit," I said laughing. "You can't resist. Pretty sure you have given half the men in country music nightmares over that thing."

We both jumped when we heard a knock at the door.

"Who the hell is that? "Caroline hissed as we both crawled over to the couch to peer over it like we could see the door. "Go answer it."

"Hell no," I whispered back. "What if it's some psycho killer? You go."

"Uh uh," Caroline muttered. "The drunk blonde is always first to bite the dust. This is waayyyyy more your house than mine. You go."

"Hello," I said pushing her forehead and glaring. "I'm a drunk blonde too."

"Together? "Caroline asked with wide eyes. I slowly nodded as we stood up and linked arms to tip toe to the front door. Everybody that had the code was gone so who was it. It was too close to Halloween for Kolby or Eli to be playing some prank on me. They know I know where all the guns are in this house. As we got closer I could make out red hair through the glass and legs.

"I think it's just a crazy fan girl," I said narrowing my eyes. "And I think I know which one. Grab me the bat out of that closet over there."

I stomped to the door swinging it open making the redhead that was leaning what she thought was seductively against the door frame jump. I threw my shoulders back baring my teeth. Kylie Anne Morrow had been trying to get in Brantley's pants since his club days but has never succeeded.

The one time she almost got close, he had been drunker than Cooter Brown off of moonshine. I had yanked her out of his lap backstage at the 40 Watt Club by the head of her hair then put a boot to her ass out the back door. She hasn't tried again at least when I was around. B had glared at me until I told him he may want to go get tested just from kissing her.

"You're not BG," she snapped glaring at me. Why the hell she thought that push up bra, caked on make up and leather skirt so short I almost saw her hooha would make B pay attention was beyond me.

"Yep," I slurred as Caroline stepped even with me hitting Brantley's softball bat against her hand. Or trying to, she kept missing. I had to concentrate because I was seeing two and a half of Kylie's skanky ass. "Last I checked I wasn't. How the fuck did you get past the gate?"

"It was open," she said smirking. "Doesn't he usually leave it open when he's home and planning on having guests. I know it was a long tour this year. Figured he could use some company."

"Well, you figured wrong," I snarled getting in her face. "You're trespassing on private property bitch."

"Get off your high horse Stephanie," she said pushing my shoulder. "Just tell him that I'm here to see him. Im sure he will be glad."

"Sweetie," I drawled sarcastically making Caroline chuckle. "Pretty sure that man and half of them in at least two counties make the sign of the cross to ward off evil when you get near. Afraid of what they will catch. Besides, Brantley's not here."

"Then why the fuck are you," Kylie said getting in my face further.

"Because I'm invited to come and go as I please," I said with an evil grin balling my fist up. "Perks of being the best friend and all. You have five seconds to get your fugly ass down those steps and off this property before I call the sherriff."

"Make me bitch," she growled. I turned my head to smirk at Caroline who started laughing. I looked back at Kylie as a wide grin spread across my face.

"With pleasure," I said before I swung to pop her hard in the nose making her fall backwards onto the porch blood gushing down her face. "Now, get to steppin."

I stepped forward lean down looking in her eyes. You get within a mile of BG again you will be seeing the business end of my pistol, do you understand me. "And as far as that man's needs being taken care of, I can assure you that they are well met."

She jumped up to take off running holding her hand over her nose.

"Bye Felicia!" Caroline called out making me laugh. I turned to smirk at her and walked back inside as she gave me a high five and I locked things back up.

"Oh no," I smirked. "I can promise I beat Felicia's ass, not once, but twice."

"Who was Felicia?" Caroline asked passing me the bottle again for a shot then grinned as she thought about it. "Well, Jana deserved it I am sure."

"Fucking right she did," I muttered settling back on the couch. "Now, what video were we on. Oh, it was the one of Luke and the song "Too Much Booty in the Pants"."

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