Chapter Nine

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Brantley's POV

I looked over at the angel curled up asleep in my passenger seat as I pulled up my driveway. She had dozed off in the corner of the room while I had been doing meet and greets. Stephanie had always been able to find somewhere to curl up and sleep if she was tired. I had laughed after we had walked off stage at the end of the show.

I'd made my way over to her after popping out my in-ear monitors. I had pulled her to me, dipping her back and laying my lips on hers. When I pulled away I grinned down at her and whispered, "hey there beautiful." She laughed as I pulled her back up and wrapped an arm around her waist, my hand unconsciously resting on her stomach. She elbowed me in the side to get my attention and pointed at the band.

"B, did we break them?" she asked smothering a laugh. Ben recovered first.

"What in the Sam hell was that?" he asked staring at both of us.

"What y'all act like you've never seen Steph before?" I said as I cracked up.

"Not what he meant jackass," Jesse grumbled." You did something you'd never do even if you were dying that is walk off stage in the middle of a song and that was to lay one on Steph. Hey darlin, we've missed you being out this summer. He's been hell to deal with."

"AMEN!" the rest of the guys chimed in. Even a couple of the roadies that were walking by.

"Are you two a thing?" B.J. asked raising an eyebrow.

We looked at each and smiled before we both nodded.

"FINALLY!" they all chorused. They cracked up when we both flipped them off and rolled eyes. I looked down at Steph and raised my eyebrows at her asking permission. She smiled at me.

"Ok guys, y'all can be the first to know this one. But come, umm Steph," I said clearing my throat. Damn I had no clue when they told her the due date was. She rolled her eyes before chiming in.


"Yea come January we are adding to the band," I said with a grin.

They all looked at me confused until Steph rolled her eyes and pointed at her stomach with one hand and pulled her tank top tighter across her stomach. It took the idiots a minute but once it clicked they all yelled and grabbed Steph to pass her around for hugs and back slaps for me.

"Bout time you pulled your head out of your ass buddy," Ben said as he grinned over at me as they guys hovered around Stephanie asking questions.

"Me too. Its always been her man. My dumbass just realized it about sixteen years too late," I said shaking my head with a half-smile on my face. P.J. motioned for me it was time to head to meet and greets so I walked over to grab Steph's hand and pull her along with me.

By the time I had wrapped things up, I smiled when I saw her curled up asleep with her head on P.J.'s shoulder. I walked over and leaned down and gently scooped her up in my arms. She turned her head and buried it in my shoulder.

As I parked the truck, I looked over to see Kolby standing on the porch. I had text him earlier to bring Sylo to the house. He had been glued to Steph's side after we found out she was pregnant. I had left him with her when I had gone back on the road. I climbed out and walked around to the passenger side lifted Steph in my arms and shut the door with my hip. I could hear Kolby laughing as I walked up the steps.

"Passed out already huh. I promise you can set your watch by it now days. Glad to see you pulled your head out of your ass bro," he said as he pulled his keys out of his pocket. I rolled my eyes at him as I moved to the door.

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