Chapter Twenty-Three

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Brantley's POV

I pulled up to our garage and slammed my truck into park. Stephanie was out of the truck before I ever turned the key off. I jumped out and chased after her. I knew I should be hurting after the few licks that Chase got in, plus the shot to the ribs and balls that my wife had delivered but I was still so damn mad I couldn't feel it.

"Stephanie!" I yelled as I cleared the door to the garage. I was answered with a middle finger before she disappeared inside. I slammed the side door and went to stalk after her. I jerked my head and dodged a wrench from my tool bench and growled at her. She stood there holding a screwdriver in hand then fixed me with a go to hell look as she drew her arm back to throw again. I realized I was standing right in front of my car and paled.

"You wouldn't dare woman," I growled out. "You know how much I love this fucking car."

"Fine, I'll just go and get a bat out of the closet for one your bikes!" she yelled as I noticed the tears in her eyes. Oh shit. We had gotten to the tears portion of her anger. I couldn't bring myself to even let them bother me I was so pissed off at her.

"What is your mother fucking problem tonight?" I seethed walking closer to her with clenched fists.

"Because you interrupted a night out with my friends, again I might add, by being an ass," she yelled as she reached up to wipe the tears off her face. "Everyone has been so busy with kids and none of y'alls tour dates over lapped this year. With the exception of Kate and I, the rest of them live in Nashville so it makes it a little easier for them to see each other. Ashley has been busy with Cam's football games and Tinsley's gymnastics. So, excuse me for wanting to have a little fun with my friends!"

I rolled my eyes at her as she tossed the screw driver down and stalked towards the house. I pushed by her and stomped over to the sink and turned on the cold water to wash the blood off my hands. I hissed when it hit my knuckles. Fuck that hurts. I was starting to feel how much my eye was throbbing.

I heard footsteps a few minutes later. Stephanie hopped up onto the counter by the sink and yanked my arm to pull me over. I shut the water off and stepped between her legs. She wouldn't meet my eye as she took a wash cloth and gently wiped at my face. I winced when she got close to the cut on my cheek.

"Gonna need stitches?" I mumbled tapping my foot.

"No," she said quietly as she took a butterfly band-aid and put it on the cut. She took my right hand to clean and check over the knuckles. I let out a yelp when she held it over the sink and dumped peroxide on them. I narrowed my eyes at her as she smirked but kept my mouth shut.

"Shirt off. Let me see the ribs," she said when she finished with my hand. I tossed my hat down on the counter beside her and tugged my shirt over my head and sucked in a deep breath. She pushed me back and pressed gently on my left side. "I think they are ok. Gonna be sore for a few days."

She handed me the aspirin bottle and planted a hand in the middle of my chest pushing me back. She walked over to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water and hand to me. I watched her stand there with her arms crossed as I took the aspirin and chugged the water. I sat the water down and walked over to put my arms on either side of her on the island caging her in.

"Steph, talk to me," I said softly as I slipped a finger under her chin making her look up at me. I felt my anger slip at little at the tears I saw there. "Baby, please don't tell me you are upset that I got into a fight tonight?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Hell no. He asked for that shit. I was close to punching him myself," she grumbled pulling her head free and tapping her nails on the countertop, not looking at me. "I'm pissed because your damn temper ruined my night out."

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