Flashback: Bye Felicia!!: Part I

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4th of July 2013

Stephanie's POV

I glared over at Kolby as he pulled up Brantley's driveway. I was sitting in the passenger side of his truck with my arms crossed over my American flag tank top pissed off. He'd offered to drive because he knew I wasnt getting through today without a little liquid assistance. I heard Kolby sigh as he put his truck in park.

He killed the engine and pulled his glasses down to look at me. I was too busy looking out the window glaring at the prissy ass candy apple red BMW parked in my spot by that familiar black Ford. Bitch ass, I thought and growled. I jumped when Kolby gave me a shove to the shoulder.

"What the hell Giant?" I snapped tapping my flip flop on his floorboard.

"Short Stuff, I need you to promise me that theres not going to be any need for bail money today?" he said staring me down. I met his glare and smirked. I crossed my toes on both feet and hid my right hand so he wouldn't see my fingers crossed as well.

"I promise Giant. I'll be an angel. Good as gold, "I drawled out.

"Shit, I am in for it today. You are being too sweet," he said closing his eyes and making the sign of the cross. I cracked up laughing. He knew me too well.

"I'll do my best Giant. As long as that bitch keeps her distance, I'll be sweet," I muttered digging through my bag to make sure I had everything I needed. Satisfied that I did, I pushed the door open and reached over to get Kolbys favorite brownies out of the back seat. I slammed the door a little harder than I meant to.

Kolby met me at the front of the truck. After taking my bag from he, he looped an arm over my shoulders squeezing gently.

"I know you hate her Short Stuff. Not many of us are fans but will you try for him," he asked giving me the puppy dog eyes as we headed up the steps to the front porch.

"I do Giant. Why do you think the bitch is still breathing? B is her only saving grace when it comes to me," I muttered pushing the door open and making my way through the house to the kitchen.

I sat the pan of brownies on the counter then moved to give Mama Becky a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I dropped down on the barstool by Ashely and piled in to help start cutting up sides for burgers. Brantley had only a few days home before he got back on the road so he'd invited everyone over to grill and hang out around the pool at his house. It had been finished earlier this year but Kolby was here more than him at times because Miss Thang preferred to either be in Nashville or L.A.

Yea, just what that country boy wanted but I was supposed to be keeping my mouth shut. Brantley's and I friendship had been up and down for the last year. Jana was not a fan of him having a female best friend at all. Hed been distant for a couple months after finding out I had slept with Chase.

Things had settled a couple months ago when hed tucked tail and ran home because she was driving him nuts with wedding details. He had claimed to be working on songs for the new album. I'd been out on spring break so we had went fishing and had movie marathons for three days.

I was in the middle of slicing up tomatoes when Eli came in shaking his head. He had two beers in his hand and automatically handed me one as he walked by. I popped the top to take a sip then my jaw dropped as I saw that Eli was still chugging his. Ashley laughed as Mama Becky rolled her eyes.

"Dang E," I said with a laugh. He finished his beer with a shudder and tossed the can into the trash.

"Sorry ladies. I apologize but I needed that," he said with a grin as he tried to grab a pickle off the plate but got his hand smacked by his wife.

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