Chapter Fourteen: A.K.A. I'm Sorry Mama!!

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Brantley's POV

The next morning, I was shaken awake very rudely by my wife. I buried my head further in her hair and tightened my arms. Mmm, I definitely like the sound of that. My wife. Finally, after all these years. I tightened my grip on Stephanie, who wouldn't stop wiggling, and dozed back off. I heard her grumble my name.

"Five more minutes honey. Just let me hold you for five more minutes. I'm so damn comfortable," I mumbled.

I sucked in a breath when she reached back between us and rubbed her thumb softly on the head of my dick. My slight morning wood went from halfway there to instantly hard enough to drive nails. I pushed my hips forward into her hand. The moment was gone half second later when she took the same thumb and fore finger that she had been teasing me with and pinched the head. I yelped and dropped my arms from around her to grab where she had just pinched. She tossed the covers back and ran for the bathroom.

"What the hell Steph? We've been married barely twenty-four hours and already starting with the abuse?" I griped.

"Your son was sitting on my bladder asshole!" she yelled back at me." I have been trying to get loose for twenty minutes to go pee."

A minute later I heard the water in the sink and she came tiptoeing back into the bedroom of the suite I had booked for us at the Bellagio. She'd been excited because the huge windows faced the famous fountains and made for a hell of a show. I forgot my pain for a minute as I took in my very well loved on wife.

She may have slipped the satin and lace black nightgown I had gotten her back on, but her long blonde was way more than sleep tousled. I had kept my fingers in it last night. I mentally high fived myself and also knew I would need to guard my balls if we wanted any more kids, when she noticed the hickey above her left breast and the teeth marks on her right shoulder. Her lips were swollen and bright pink. Both sets of them, I thought chuckling to myself.

Steph shot me a sheepish look before she climbed back in bed. Scooting over to the middle, she snuggled her head onto my chest and tangled her legs with mine. I stroked a hand up and down her back making her snuggle further into my side.

"So, when he does something you don't like he's my son huh? I said giving her a sleepy grin. I jerked when she dug fingers in my side tickling me lightly.
" Steph.. quit!"
She grinned up at me before placing her hand on my chest.

"Maybe. I had tried to wake you up nicely but you wouldn't let go," she said pouting at me. I leaned down and placed a long kiss on her lips.

"Well, someone wore me out last night," I whispered against her lips. Which made her grin. I looked over her shoulder at the clock and groaned.

"As much as I don't want to baby girl, we are gonna have to get up and get ready to leave soon. Mike text me that Scott had added on a few more interviews, so I have to leave a few days earlier than I was originally supposed to," I said sighing.

She stayed quiet and nodded. I wrapped her up a little tighter and just enjoyed the feel of her next to me. With her starting school, I knew I was fixing to be logging a lot of travel time back and forth but I didn't care. I wasn't going to go without seeing her longer than I had to. I'd rather it be me doing all the traveling than her because she was going to get more worn down further into her pregnancy.

After a little while I felt Stephanie sigh before lifting her head to look at me. She dropped a kiss onto my chest before pushing up to slide out of the bed. I just laid there and watched her. She made her way to the bathroom door and stopped. I won't lie, the sheets instantly tented around me when she tugged her nightgown over her head, giving me a view of that toned ass, before tossing it back at me. She gave me a grin then headed on in. I heard the shower switch on and I dove out from under the covers and chased after her. Determined to love on my wife one more time before we headed to the airport.

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