Chapter Eighteen

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Stephanie's POV

I slowly tiptoed my way down the stairs as quietly as I could so my warden wouldn't hear me. It was about two in the morning. Sylo was by my side making every step. I walked into the kitchen holding my back. It was the end of December and the doctor had put me on bed rest a week ago.

It had taken me twenty minutes to calm B down. We had originally planned to have a big bonfire tonight but between me being confined to the bed or the couch, along with the rainy weather we had just decided to light a fire and curl up and watch movies. I'd already went into false labor twice which made the doctor put me on bed rest for the last few weeks of my pregnancy.

I had just fixed a glass of water and was leaning against the counter looking out the picture windows at the moonlit tree line. I jumped when I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist. Brantley propped his chin on my shoulder and glared at me when I turned my head to give him a sheepish grin.

" Dammit sweetheart," he murmured "didn't I tell you to not climb the stairs without me please."

I turned my head to place a soft kiss on his lips. "I was careful honey, I promise." He growled softly and took his big hands and rubbed my stomach. I barked out a laugh as Carson automatically kicked against his palm. This was their favorite game now. The nights he got to kicking me, Brantley could either rub my stomach like this or sing him back to sleep. I could already tell I was going to have my hands full when he went back on tour in April. We had already picked out and ordered a different bus to make room.

"Come on baby. Let's get you back to bed," he said letting out a wide yawn. I pouted at him as he tugged me out of the kitchen. "What?"

"I can't get comfortable," I grumbled and I started up the stairs holding onto his arm.

" How about you get your body pillow I bought and I'll rub your back for you. See if that helps," he said as he helped me up the steps.

We made our way back into our room. I slowly laid down and rolled over onto my side throwing my leg over the long pillow. I sighed as the position took some of the pressure off my back. Brantley crawled back in bed to face me. I was rubbing slow circles on my stomach hoping to get Carson to move a little.

I swear that kid literally had his toes hanging from my ribs like a monkey. Or at least that was how it felt. I watched my husband give me a sheepish grin as he looked down at my stomach. I sighed before rolling my eyes at him and smiling softly.

" Go ahead," I said with a smile. He looked over at me and grinned.

"You sure," Brantley asked as I nodded my head again. He pulled the covers back and scooted down in the bed further causing Sylo to growl when he disturbed him where he was curled up at my feet.

"Oh hush you grouch," Brantley said looking down at him. " I just want to play with your little brother some so maybe he will let Mama sleep."

Sylo huffed, glared at him, then placed his head back by my feet. Brantley took a big hand and gently pushed on my stomach. He let out a quiet laugh as he felt a bump back against his hand. I lifted my hand to drag my nails slowly over his hair. He hadn't cut it back short since we got home from tour in early November.

I smiled as I listened to him talking to Carson about all the stuff they were going to do. I pinched his arm when he said that they were leaving me home on hunting trips because I scare off all the deer. I pulled his hair slightly making him grin up at me.

"That was one time and there was that huge spider," I grumbled glaring at him.

He gave me a smile then laid his head back down to start humming softly as he rubbed. It didn't take me long to drift off back to sleep.

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