Flashback: 2006, Part I

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May 2006

Stephanie's POV

Thank the lord finals were over with. My damn brain hurt so bad from studying it wasnt even funny. I had missed two of Brantley's gigs the last few weeks because I had been in full fledge study mode. My roommate, Lacey, had joked about the lack of brooding jackass the other night when we were pulling an all-nighter for an English final. He had dropped by the next night with a pizza and a six pack of Red Bull while she was studying at the library. Nutrition and caffeine, he had said with a laugh.

I had taken my last final this morning and was ready to blow off some steam. Lacey had volunteered to drive tonight since she had finished up yesterday and went out last night. She had threatened Brantley when he'd gotten there that no skank ass was allowed in her car. He had rolled his eyes before holding his hands up in surrender. Amber had split about six months ago and I'd been doing my best to pick up the pieces, that was when and if he would talk about it.

I had currently lost sight of him when I went to the bar to get another beer. Lacey was standing in the corner talking to some frat guy she had met. Why she went for that pretty boy type I have never understood. I placed may hands on the bar and waved down Corey, my favorite bartender here, holding up two fingers.

He knew to bring me a shot of tequila along with my other beer. I gave him a grin and slid my money across the bar top then tipped back the shot glass. I slammed it back down and turned my beer up about the time I felt an arm drop over my shoulders. I turned my head to see my slightly goofy best friend grinning down at me.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before twirling his finger at Corey to bring us another round of shots. Yep, I was gonna feel like ass tomorrow. As I sipped my beer, I looked over at Brantley. He was currently grinning at a brunette sorority chick on the other side of the bar. She was leaned so far over the bar top ordering her drink you had no doubt that she was blessed. It was all about to fall out of her tank top if she leaned over too much farther. I rolled my eyes at him before leaning over to place a kiss on his cheek and met ol' girl's eyes with a glare. She turned pale and grabbed her beer before scampering away.

"Really Steph?" he asked with a grin. "Trying to cockblock me this early."

"Please," I scoffed shaking my head. "A, we are out to celebrate me surviving another semester and B, I saved you from catching something Ajax wouldnt take off buddy."

That really made him laugh. I reached over to grab his chin in my hand, dragging my thumb across it.

"What is this? Decided to go baby face for tonight buddy. Need to make up your mind, scruff or no scruff. Me, personally, I like the scruff on you," I said with a grin then tugged a strand of light brown hair that was sticking out from under his backwards hat.

"Need a haircut too there Rockstar." He rolled his eyes and pushed my hand away. I wasn't ashamed to admit my best buddy was good looking.

"Been a little busy," he grumbled out staring down at his beer bottle. I shoved him hard in the shoulder making him glare over at me. I was making one comment tonight then shutting up before we spent the rest of the night arguing.

"B, she's not coming back and she's not at the bottom of a bottle so the sooner you realize that, the better off youre gonna be," I said tugging on his arm making him look at me. He bit his lip and nodded at me. He leaned over to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"I know sweetheart, I know. But no more talk of that tonight ok. Lets have some fun," he said with a grin as Corey placed a tray with four tequila shots, salt, and lime on the bar in front of us.

I'd had just enough to drink tonight to know that this wasn't going to end good at all. Brantley reached over and grabbed my hips to turn me facing him on my barstool. He trapped my knees between his as he grinned down at me. Good lord, that smile. There had been times in the past I had been tempted just to lay one on him to see what he would do.

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