Flashback: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part III

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Brantley's POV

I was about halfway home when I got a text from Chris with a picture of the Cougar speeding down the road. I had been stopped to get gas when the text came through. My jaw dropped as my eyes narrowed. I know that damn woman didn't. I had text her earlier when I got on the road. We hadn't had any luck hunting so I decided to cut my trip short to head home. Planned on spending a few days at the house before heading over to the farm in Alabama.

Stephanie had told me she was staying in tonight to grade papers since it was an away football game. I was going to tan her ass when I got home. If she had my car out for a spin, I'd bet good money that she was crashing at the house tonight. If she wasn't at my house, she was going to be in for a rude awakening.

Right about daylight I turned off the highway towards my road. I locked the brakes up at the gate being wide open. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel I contemplated a slow death for Stephanie Lynn. I pulled on through then hit the button on my truck visor to shut them. That's it I was changing the damn code on her.

I parked my truck and saw her Explorer in the garage with the Cougar parked sideways where I normally parked my truck. I ran a hand down my face growling. I was tired, my blood pressure was now sky high. I knew if this was the scene in front of me, she had been drinking and I wondered which one of her band of crazies had been her partner in crime. I stalked to the door then stilled when I saw blood pooled on the porch. I pulled my pistol from the holster at my hip before unlocking the door and stepping inside my heart pounding.

I moved through the foyer on silent feet then paused to look around. Sylo was sitting in the doorway to the living room looking at me like I was a dumbass. I heard a loud snore coming from the living room. I listened for a second. Ok, who was that because it did not sound like Stephanie. I walked into the living room to see a foot propped on the back of the couch.

I got closer to see a figure buried under a blanket with a pillow over their head. I could make out a little bit of blonde hair around the edges. I lifted the pillow up to see a snoring Caroline out cold. I then noticed the pizza boxes, chocolate bar wrappers, and the tequila bottles. Ah, these two tied one on tonight. I glanced over to the loveseat to make sure Brittany wasn't here or Lauren.

Unless they were in one of the guest rooms, it must have been these two. I dropped the pillow back down then turned to stalk up the stairs. I placed my pistol back in the holster before taking it off to sit with my keys on the side table. I knew exactly where Steph was. Curled right up in the middle of my bed wearing one of my t-shirts.

I stomped upstairs with Sylo trailing behind me as I walked into my room then paused crossing my arms. I kicked off my hunting boots then tip toed over to my bed putting a knee on the side as I gently tugged the covers back to reveal a peacefully sleeping Stephanie. If I wasn't so aggravated with her at the moment I might would have enjoyed just how beautiful she looked in the early morning light. I stretched my hand out to place on her shoulder as I got closer to her ear.

"STEPHANIE LYNN!!" I yelled making her scramble awake gasping for breath and almost kicking me as she jerked awake. I stood back up and glared at her with my hands on my hips. She moaned and automatically held her head as she sat up. She woke up enough to look around and paled slightly as I glared at her.

"Shhhh B," she grumbled. "Stop yelling. What the hell are you doing home anyways?"

"Wasn't seeing any damn deer," I said shaking my head as she tried to wake up. "I'm yelling because someone took my damn baby for a joyride!"

"Huh," she asked cracking an eye open at me then shook her head. "You were in your truck B." She stretched back out pulling the covers over her head. "Dumbass."

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