Flashback: CMA Fest 2015: Part IV

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Brantley's POV

I was putting my guitar back in its case when Jason came by and clapped me on the shoulder. We had just finished up a song writers circle at the Bluebird. Man, I hadn't done one of these in years and it was a lot of fun. I was itching to check my phone to see if Steph had text me earlier. I felt like a damn dog after the comment I had made earlier before she left. She was a beautiful single woman. Any man was lucky to have her.

"Hey BG,"Luke called from across the room. "We are gonna head over and crash  girls night. Wanna head over with us? Thomas and Justin are on their way and BK just text me they had dropped by."

I looked my phone to read one from P.J. that the girls where on a man hunt for Steph. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. This was not going to be good at all. She had never liked being setup.
"Yea man, I'll drop by for a little bit. I need to apologize to Steph for being a dick earlier," I said nodding my head. Jason looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"What did you do to piss firecracker off this time?" he said as we made our way out the back door to Jason's truck. Luke pushed my shoulder before opening the passenger door and climbing in.

"Man, when are you gonna learn she will and has kicked your ass in the past," he said grinning.

"Apparently never," I grumbled as I typed out a quick message to Amber that I was going to hang out with Jason and Luke for a little while and Id call her in the morning. I was supposed to head back home tomorrow for a few days then getting back on the road.

I stared out the tinted window as we made our way further downtown. Luke had already text Sarge to make sure we could just slip in the side door. Other than Tim's concert, most of the activities for the day were winding down and Thing One and Thing Two in the front seat would probably be more noticeable.

Jason pulled in the back lot of The Stage and parked his truck. I glanced down at my black tank top and faded jeans and figured I'd be ok. Luke tossed me Jason's grey Braves cap off the front dash to put on instead of my black on. I slipped it on and tugged it low over my eyes. To be on the safe side I pulled my chains off my jeans and put them in my guitar case.

Jason had tossed his straw hat on the console and was swapping his contacts out for his glasses. Cracked me up that by doing that and no hat, it usually took people a little bit to recognize him. We usually just told Luke keep his mouth shut and not smile a lot. We made our way to the side door.

Justin had already sent me a text that the ladies were on their way to feeling good. P.J. sent me one earlier after hed made it to where they were eating of all them smiling and flipping off the camera. I'd made the mistake of asking for a proof of life check when I couldn't get Steph on the phone to apologize. I would catch hell later I am sure for sending P.J. to check on her. Can't help it I was worried.

I followed Luke over to the bar as he leaned against it to order a beer for him and Jason while I ordered a water. I cracked the lid open and took a long drink. I saw Jason waving to us in the crowd. He'd found the table the girls were at. I saw Katie and Justin in deep conversation as we walked up to the table. She looked up and gave me a big grin then shot up out of her chair. I watched her weave through the crowd to the DJ booth as I sat down in her empty chair.

"What was that about?" I asked Justin kicking his leg.

"Man, don't ask," he moaned out tugging on the bill of his hat." I told her not to stir up shit, but you see how well that woman listens to me."

Ok. I thought. I looked around at the table. Tyler, BK and Thomas were laughing about something. Jason was leaned over the back of Brittney's chair laying one on her. Damn newlyweds. Luke dropped down in the chair by Justin and me, sipping his beer.

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