Chapter Eleven

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Stephanie's POV

It had been a few weeks since we had broken the news to Mama Becky. I'd  went out on the road with Brantley for a show or two before having to come back and go to a teachers conference in Atlanta. Grouchy Mr. Caveman fussed about me going and not resting until I put my foot down and reminded him I wouldn't be alone. Amie and Mandy had signed up for the same conference.

Let me tell ya, the conversation I had to have with those two after we checked in was a blast. I had gotten sick not long after we got on the road. After Mandy stopped to get me a large Sprite, they both had turned to look in the backseat with concern. I had on a flowy tank top so my baby bump had been hidden. I had just hit fifteen weeks that day.

"You okay back there Steph," Mandy said as she pulled on the interstate heading toward Atlanta. I smiled to myself thinking well now is as a good a time as any.

"Yea, I will be great in a few months," I said hiding my smile behind taking a sip of my drink. Amie turned in her seat and pulled her sunglasses down to look at me.

"Few months! Shit Steph, what's going on?" she asked staring me down.

"Chill, it's something that will be over in the about five months. Though the result with be around for another eighteen years," I said with a grin. Mandy had pulled over at this point to look at me as well. Here we were pulled over on the side of I-85 and they both were staring at me with their jaws dropped. Amie recovered from her shock first.

"You're pregnant?" she asked as they both looked at me and grinned. They both had been married for the last few years and had a little boy and girl between them that I adored. They had really started giving me hell about being single since I turned thirty.

"Yep. Due date is January 20th," I said placing a hand on my stomach.

"Yes!!!" Amie squealed as she tugged me towards the front of Mandy's Tahoe to give me a hug. Mandy reached back and gave me a hug next before pushing me back to look me in the eye.

"Wait a minute. You go to the doctor, this a miraculous conception, or do you have a man that you haven't bothered to tell us about."

"I'll tell you if you both promise not to kill me," I said leaning back out of reach.

"Ok.," they both ground out.

"Brantley is the dad," I said wincing at the reaction that was coming.

"What the fuck Steph!!" Mandy said shaking her head her red ponytail swishing back and forth. Amie cracked up laughing.

"I knew it! I knew it!" she squealed dancing in her seat. "I saw him lay one on you one night in his kitchen during a bonfire. I knew it! You lying little hussy!" I smiled at both them as they grinned back at me.

"Good, y'all have always been perfect for each other," Mandy said with a grin as she put the car back in drive and pulled out on the interstate.

"So that's why you and Michael broke up," Amie said smirking at me." I had wondered how let that hottie go."

"How'd the outlaw take the news?" Mandy asked meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Passed out face first in hospital," I said as they cracked up laughing with me.

A week later I had been home about an hour when my phone went off with a message.

BG: Hey sweetheart, I'm not going to be home as early as I thought. Think you can go pick Sylo up. It's probably going to be tomorrow before I make it in. I'm sorry honey, I knew we had plans for dinner tonight. I'll call you when I get out of these interviews. Love you.

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