Chapter Twenty-Six: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

I woke up a little while later when the pilot announced we were landing then sat up to move back to the seat to put on my seat belt. My sleepy-eyed husband looked over at me with a grin. I leaned over to kiss him softly and gave him a side eye when I pulled back.

"So, no hints?" I asked.

"No mam," he said yawning and shaking his head. I stuck my tongue out at him making him burst out laughing. "I can think of better uses for that baby."

"Shut up B," I growled rolling my eyes as he laced his fingers with mine as we touched down.

"Aww come on sweetheart," he said with a grin as I rolled my eyes.

"Big horn dog," I muttered as we were told we had landed. I unhooked my seatbelt and dug in my purse for my sunglasses. I stood up to stretch and placed them on the top of my head. I jumped when I felt a sharp pop on my ass.

"Only for you baby," he said giving me a kiss on the lips when he stood up. "Always been you."

We had been in the back of the black SUV for a little bit when I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked around. I had been on the phone with Mama Becky after we landed and got in the vehicle checking on Carson. She had assured me that he was fine and that Sylo had been the one pouting when we left not Carson.

I could believe it, he always pouted for half a day anytime that bus pulled out of the driveway. Kolby said it was even worse lately if Carson and I were on it too. I glanced around at the narrow streets and gave Brantley a look as he grinned over at me. I noticed the street names and frowned for a moment then my eyes widened as we turned on to Canal Street. Leave it up to my husband to embrace my history loving ways after all these years.

"Really?" I asked with a big smile on my face. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me gently.

"Yes," he said pulling back to smile at me. "I had to practically drag you back on the bus the last time we played down here because you wanted to explore and didn't get to. I swear you pouted almost the whole way back to Georgia."

"Did not!" I said with a laugh. "Ok, maybe a little. The time all of us came in college was all a drunken blur."

"Damn was it!" he said laughing along with me. I" knew I wouldn't be able to talk you into going too far off because of little man and you'd always said you wanted to come back. Ireland was out because of that even though I know you really want to go. New York was out because I knew what that would lead to and I wasn't walking around holding your purse while you shopped."

"Even if it was for shoes," I said looking at him pouting making his grin widen.

"That may be the only way but don't tell anyone," he said shaking his head. "Maybe you can plan to go with the girls before the holidays."

I had turned to look out the window but quickly turned around in the seat and put a hand to his forehead.

"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" I asked with wide eyes. "Do you have a fever? Brantley Keith, are you dying and not telling me? Because you just mentioned girls trip and didn't break a sweat."

"No, I am not dying and I feel just fine sweetheart," he said with a loud laugh. "We've all been told that in order for us to keep our hunting trip we had planned to Alaska, we have to give in to y'all going to New York."

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was way too calm about that. I crossed my arms and looked at him closer as we turned down another street.

"Ok, what did you bribe PJ with to go?" I asked poking him in the chest as a wide grin spread across his face. He lifted a hand to scratch his beard, that he kept shorter now because Carson loved to pull on it, and smirked.

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