Flashback: High School: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

I shivered slightly as I walked over to the bench near the sidelines to grab my pompoms. I saw a group of the other school's cheerleaders standing close by. I glanced up at the scoreboard and grinned about the fact we were ahead. Friday night football, lord did I love it. Ashley tugged the ends of my ponytail and gave me a big smile as she walked beside me.

"Yep they are ahead and should win," she said with a wide grin. "The boys are gonna be down to party tonight."

"Hell yea!" I said with a wink. I leaned down fixing my shoe lace as I heard Ashley start laughing.

"Steph?" she asked giggling. I stood up straight and looked at her rubbing my arms against the cooler night air. "Notice the black eye number twenty-five is sporting tonight?"

"Shit," I grumbled whipping my head around to look at the football players on the sidelines. "Dammit B."

"Justin asked for it and you know it," Ashley said pushing my shoulder with a grin. I rolled my eyes at her before picking up the jacket off my bag slipping in on and snagging my pompoms. We walked by the other group of cheerleaders and Ashley paused to listen to them. The captain practically had drool hanging off her chin as she stared out onto the field.

"Mmmmm.. girls," I heard her say with a giggle. "I plan on getting my hands all over that QB later tonight. That boy is prime grade A beef let me tell you."

I stuck my finger towards my mouth making a gagging noise at Ashley as she laughed harder. So not what I wanted to hear right now. I was about to lose the nachos I had scarfed down after halftime. I walked past them shaking my head. I finally put a name to the ebony haired bimbo staring at my best friend like he was a steak. Her name was Marissa and I remembered her from a cheer clinic my freshman year.

"Hey Stephanie, right?" I heard her say as I turned my head. She tossed her short dark hair out of her face then pointed a finger at me. "Where did you get that jacket? I've got plans with BG later. I should be the one wearing it."

"Awww fuck," Ashley said from beside me as I spun all the way around fixing a glare on my face. I slid my hand in the right jacket pocket for the pair of brass knuckles I figured were in there and for once, I came up empty. Shit, I forgot Mama Becky found that pair last week and hid them from him. I stared Marissa down quirking an eyebrow at her. I pulled at the collar of the jacket looking down and then back up at her.

"This jacket?" I said sweetly through clenched teeth keeping a growl in. "Pretty sure it belongs to the same person whose number is painted on my cheek. While you may have plans with him later, I've got more right to this jacket than you do honey."

"Just who the hell do you think you are bitch?" Marissa snarled getting in my face. I instantly saw red.

"Yep....." Ashley drawled taking the pompoms I handed her. "Here we go."

"I'm the best friend skank," I snapped decking Marissa across the right cheek hard knocking her to the ground. I went to swing again but Ashley stopped me. Marissa gave me a murderous look through the tears in her eyes. I smirked at her and stepped back. "Don't think you will have plans now. Gonna be too busy icing that jaw."

"Come on Rocky," Ashley said throwing an arm across my shoulder as Marissa and her posse stormed off. "Remind me never to get on your bad side. I thought Brantley was crazy when he taught you how to throw a punch. Now I see it paid off."

"Do you blame him?" I said with a laugh. "He can't always fight my fights for me."

A while later after the game Ashley and I were sitting on the tailgate of Brantley's truck waiting on him and Eli to finish getting a shower after the game. I was laughing at a story Ashley was telling me when I jumped at my name being called.

"Dammit Stephanie Lynn!" Brantley yelled stalking across the parking lot glaring at me. I mentally chastised myself for noticing the fit just right Dragons Football t-shirt and backwards Braves hat. Get it together Stephanie Lynn, I thought. You are not supposed to look at B like that. "Really, you really had to fucking ruin my night!"

He stepped up to me glaring down at me. I put my hands in the middle of his chest pushing hard.

"She called me a bitch B!" I yelled back at him. Brantley narrowed his green eyes at me before rolling them shaking his head.

"And.." he drawled throwing his hands up in the air. "So, fucking what. Gonna go around punching every girl that does."

"Like you punch every guy that does," I growled poking a finger in his chest meeting his glare. Argghhhhh he pissed me off so bad sometimes. "Don't think I didn't see Justin Hayes's eye earlier."

"Little fucker was asking for it," he snarled leaning down getting in my face his eyes blazing. Hmmm, all I would need to do is push up on my tiptoes. Ugghhh no Steph, no, no laying one on your best friend.

"Ok, ok," Eli said sticking a long arm between us breaking up our stare down. "That's enough you two. Before yall actually wind up tying into it how about we call a truce for the night and go party. Please?"

"Fine," we both snapped. Brantley stepped back holding out a hand to help me off the tailgate. Eli wrapped an arm around Ash pulling her towards his truck shaking his head at us. I climbed down turning to grab his jacket and my bag. I had changed into jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt earlier. I glared at him one more time pushing his jacket into his chest making him step back as I pushed past him to walk to the passenger side.

"There," I growled looking at him as I opened the door. "That's why she started shit with me. I had gotten cold and slipped your jacket on because I left mine at home this morning. Skank told me I had no right to wear it."

I climbed in slamming the door behind me. He climbed in a minute later laying a hand on my arm but I turned to the side not looking at him and cranked the radio up as he pulled out of the parking lot heading towards Potts. We didn't say a word to each other the whole drive.

I'd never admit it to him or anyone that yea, maybe I was a little jealous. But I wasn't stupid. I knew that all he would ever see me as was his best friend. We had been inseparable for the last seven years and I didn't see that changing anytime soon. Or at least I hoped it didn't. I laid my head against the cool glass of the window not saying a word as Brantley hummed along with the radio.

He pulled in and parked beside Eli before switching the truck off. I put my hand on the door handle to climb out in desperate need of a drink when I was stopped with a hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Brantley mumbled making me look over at him.
"You know youre my best friend. You will always come first over some hookup. I decked Hayes in the locker room because he was running his mouth about trying to get you alone tonight after you had been drinking. I blacked his eye. Pretty sure he is favoring his ribs because of Eli and Corey reminded him he wouldn't be welcome tonight. But I don't trust him to not show up. Can you please do me a favor then?"

"What B?" I said looking over at him as he bit his lip.

"Hang pretty close tonight please," he asked softly. "Don't go off without one of us ok."

"Okay," I whispered nodding my head. He gave me soft smile then turned to climb out. Brantley walked around to open the truck door tugging me out. After I stood up, he reached around me grabbing his jacket holding it out. I gave him a look and he shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" he said with a laugh. "You know you will get cold later. Save me a trip back to the truck."

"Fine," I said giving him a grin and slipping his jacket on as he tossed an arm across my shoulders. I gave him a wink. "As long you play me a song later."

"Deal," he said giving me a grin and kissing the top of my head. "I think I can do that."

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