Flashback: I Can't Do This Anymore: Part III

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July 2011

Brantley's POV

I stubbed my cigarette out as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to open it and dial a number, again. I havent spoken to Stephanie since her birthday in March. I didn't even remember going to the engagement party in Atlanta that night. I had woken up the next day to Ben glaring at me and informing me that I had been a royal jackass the night before. I leaned forward to take a sip of the beer in front of me on the table as it rang and rang.

I growled as her voicemail picked up, yet again. Ben and Kolby were the only two to witness our supposed showdown and Ben hadn't heard what was said other than walking up to see us squaring off, her slapping me, and him making me leave. Kolby claimed to not know either. He had been a go between with us the last few months. She'd told him she would consider speaking to me when I got my act together.

I rolled my eyes thinking about it as I took another swig. I didn't have a problem. Since when was having a little fun a problem. I had been on the road most of the year and in and out of the studio to release deluxe version of my album since I had signed with Valory Music Company. The more I thought about it, I just figured her actions were because of David.

The douchebag had never liked me when even when they were dating. She had drug him to a couple of shows with her when they started dating but he had refused to come after a while, saying it wasnt his scene. I tolerated him for her. She seemed to be happy and that's all I could want for her, even if it was with him.

Glutton for punishment, I dialed her number again, closing my eyes as it rang. Willing her to answer the phone. I'd give anything to actually hear her voice. I missed her more than I wanted to admit. I hung up again and looked at the time on my phone. A little after five. Ben would be here in about an hour to pick me up for a gig we had down on Printer's Alley.

I rubbed my chest with the ache I felt there. Damn stubborn woman. I needed to make a point to go home and try to corner her to talk to me. Even if she was yelling, at least she would be talking to me. I grabbed the whiskey bottle of the coffee table and unscrewed the lid as I leaned back against the couch. I took a swing as I glared at my song book sitting on the table. I had been working on one that was giving me fits and killing me to finish. It would probably never see the light of day but I had to finish it. I had to get the words out I thought, my eyes tearing up a little.

I shook my head to clear it and turned the bottle up one more time before screwing the cap back on and sitting it down. I jumped when the phone lying beside me rang. My heart skipped a beat that maybe, just maybe it was Stephanie. It dropped a little when I noticed it was Colt calling.

"Hello," I said gruffly.

"BG, what's going on man?" Colt said. I could practically see his big grin through the phone.

"Not much. Just doing a little writing before heading out for a show tonight," I said lighting another cigarette.

"Well I just got some good news buddy. Guess what?" he boomed.

"What?" I asked.

"Guess what is the number one country song?" he asked making me grin.

"Seriously man. Dirt Road Anthem is number one?" I asked in disbelief sitting up and rubbing face against the slight buzz I had.

"Yea man it is! Jason just gave me a call," he said with a laugh. "Party set up for next week here in Nashville. Firecracker caved and speaking to you yet? Because man she needs to be there for this."

I sighed before answering. "No man. She's still pissed off at me. It'll be ok."

"Gotcha bud. Look I gotta run. Good luck on the show tonight and one of us will text you the details ok."

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