From Athens To Arlington: Part III

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baseballfan8 this is why I love our back and forth conversations...

Stephanie's POV

Later that night I was leaned against the back wall of the room they were doing VIP and meet and greet in. Rhett had stopped in to see Thomas and Brantley. I was standing between the two of them drinking out a SOLO cup shaking my head. Rhett leaned over me to look at Thomas with a grin.

"How many times does he get asked the boxers or briefs question?" he asked looking at us. I just shrugged while Thomas cracked up.

"At least once a night," Thomas answered snickering. "That and some girl flashed him the other night. Caught him by surprise. His look was priceless."

"Yea," I said rolling my eyes. "I got a group text at two am that morning with a picture of his face. Apparently, the tour photographer caught his reaction. Then a half-drunk Ben waxed poetic about how perky they were."

"Got to love when they forget you're not just one of the guys huh Firecracker," Rhett said with a laugh giving me a side hug.

"That lasted about five seconds until Brantley realized they were texting her and launched the syrup bottle at Ben's head. Telling him to let her get some sleep. Damn, they won't want us at that Waffle House again anytime soon," Thomas said shaking his head.

"One asked for his guitar pick earlier today and I shit you not y'all he thought she said dick," I said taking another sip and giggling as Rhett cracked up. "They couldn't see it but he was starting to turn red."
I wrinkled my nose at the cup in my hand and narrowed my eyes at Thomas. "TR, is this what I think it is in this cup?"

"Yep darlin," he said with a half-drunk grin. "It ain't wine so don't sip it."

"Son, you may want to run," Rhett said with a booming laugh, "when BG finds out you gave her shine. I've heard stories."

"Dammit to hell man," PJ grumbled walking up to us. "I had to lock her in the truck at a bar one night because she was trying to break a girl's face for calling her a bitch. Give me the cup Little Bit before you get more of a buzz."

"Fine," I grumbled then snickered as I handed the cup over and batted my eyes at PJ. "We all know it wasn't the last time I decked someone for calling me a bitch. "
PJ couldn't keep his laugh in then and cracked up.

"Wait, wait, wait," Thomas said with a smile. "What did I miss? "

"Nothing," I said shaking my head and grinning. "It was a ATV accident."
I cracked up laughing as he and Rhett both narrowed their eyes and the realized what I was talking about.

"She," Rhett said snickering, "of all people should have known better than to call you a bitch. Y'all hated each other on sight."

"That we did," I said with an evil grin. They both gave me a hug and left to head out to the buses. PJ leaned against the wall beside me. I had just a slight enough buzz that I cracked up laughing at B singing "Freeballin". I really narrowed my eyes later when the question of size got brought up. Who did this heifer think she was. I must have made a noise because PJ gave me a look and I opened my mouth without thinking.

"Bitch better get to stepping that man is all mine this weekend," I growled lowly. I heard PJ make a sound between a choke and a gasp and I turned pale. I slapped both hands over my mouth and prayed he hadnt heard me. PJ pushed off the wall and crossed his arms and stared down at me with an amused look.

"What did you just say Little Bit?" he asked with a grin. Fuck, he had heard me.

"Nothing," I squeaked out making him laugh. "Just ummm... ummm... you know, hanging out with the bestie this weekend."

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