Flashback: CMA Fest 2015, pt. I

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Stephanie's POV

I was pulling on my boots when I heard footsteps come on the bus. I drove up yesterday to hang out for the rest of CMA week with Brantley and the band. Amber had come up with him for the awards last night but had needed to fly back home right after. They had gotten back together a couple months ago and he seemed to be happy. Who was I to judge, she was the one who had gotten away. I heard a voice and looked up to see Brantley leaned against the doorframe glaring at me.

"Where in the hell are you going dressed like that Stephanie?" he asked cocking his head at me. Great..... Caveman Brantley showed up.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I fluffed my blonde curls one more time before applying a light coat of pink lip gloss in the mirror. I looked down at my outfit one more time trying to see what he was finding offense to. I had on a strapless royal blue sundress that ended right above my knees. Didn't show off too little or too much skin. Showed off just the right amount while making my tan seem darker and blue eyes brighter. I had paired it with my favorite brown cowboy boots and doing my hair in big curls.

"Stephanie Lynn," he growled. "I asked you a damn question."

I went to walk out the door but was blocked by six feet of glaring, pissed off biker.

"Move B," I snapped trying to elbow him out of the way. He didn't budge. I mentally chastised Mama Becky for feeding him so well when he was home. Shit, I was just as guilty.

"I asked you a question," he said leaning down to look me in the eye. I rolled my eyes and glared back at him huffing.

"Girl's night ok," I snapped ducking under his arm and into the kitchen area to grab my phone.

"With who?" he asked as he grabbed my phone to hold over his head. Asshole. I went to kick him in the shin but was blocked by his foot.

"Brantley Keith! Give me my damn phone," I snapped as I heard a honking outside the bus. It was parked in the back lot of Nissan Stadium with all of the others. He just glared at me and tapped his booted foot.

"Grr.... fine. Caroline called me earlier. A bunch of the girls are going out tonight to a few of the bars on the strip to hang out. Most of y'all have that song writer's circle to go to and well like Caroline said, if you've seen one you have seen them all. Before you gripe, Luke has already set up security to go with us. Y'all are a bunch of damn worrywarts."

He motioned for me to continue as I heard the horn sound again.

"Caroline, Brittney, BCole, Haley, Katie, and Lauren," I muttered jumping to get my phone. He sighed deeply before handing it to me. Then reached into his wallet to pull out his credit card.

I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him a funny look as he stuffed it into the card slot of my clutch before sitting it back down on the table.

"What the hell is that for B?"I asked shaking my head." I can take care of my own night out."

He hung his head and shook it as he scratched his beard.

"Nope, bail money," he muttered as he finally handed me my phone. I shot Caroline a text telling her to hold her horses I was getting my lecture.

"We are not gonna need bail money B," I scoffed putting my hands on my hips. He rolled his eyes before pointing at me.

"Really, remember when we filmed the "Small Town Thrown" video," he said smirking at me." You, Katie, and Lauren got drunk off margaritas around the pool at the house while we were out in the field. Next thing I know on the way back to the house we pass y'all in the other RZR hauling ass other way in nothing but y'alls bikinis. Katie hanging out the back waving. Not to mention on tour earlier last year you and Lauren had disappeared to go "shopping" while we were at sound check in New Orleans.

P.J. found y'all two hours later neck deep in hurricanes at Laffites. You and Caroline will race golf carts when you are sober. You and Brittney got pulled over by Sherriff John in my truck speeding back to the house after being sent after more hamburger buns right after her and Jason started dating. So yes, I'm sending that because I am betting bail money."

I snatched my clutch off the table. I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him on his cheek and tried to dart towards the bus door to be stopped by a hand on my arm about the time I felt heat at my back.

"Be careful, please," he murmured. I nodded me head. I made it to the top step before I heard him speak again.

"And for fuck's sakes Steph, please don't sleep with any of my friends this time," he grumbled. I turned on my heel to look at him. I reached over and grabbed the first thing I found handy, which was one of his ever-present water bottles, at his head before shooting him the bird as I stormed out. That bastard. One of these days he's going to stop throwing Chase up in my face. I stomped over to the waiting SUV and heard my name called about the time I put my hand on the door.

"Steph come on, I'm sorry I said that," Brantley yelled standing at the door of the bus looking at me. I shot him a go to hell look before opening the door.

"Fuck off Brantley," yelled before climbing in and slamming the door. Caroline turned to look at me after I slid onto the seat by Katie still cussing under my breath.

"Ok there Steph?" she asked looking at me.

"Just peachy, had to deal with an overgrown jackass," I grumbled glaring out the tinted window at said jackass as the SUV pulled away from the buses.

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