Chapter Five

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Stephanie's POV

I was glad that Michael had texted me he had overslept a little and we'd meet up for a late lunch about two because I had realized this morning I had left my Ez- grader and half a stack of test papers at Brantley's when I went to look for this morning. He hadn't been at church this morning and I had been trying my best to not fall asleep after not sleeping well last night. I'd come home and curled up in my bed wanting to just forget the conversation Id had with Kolby last night.

I slammed my door as I made my way to Brantley's side door. I knew he'd already be headed over to Mama Becky's for lunch and the truck was still here so he must have taken his bike. I had texted him late last night about Michael since he was a friend of his and all I had gotten back was a quick have fun sweetheart.

I hurried into the kitchen and saw the papers I needed and my Ez-grader stacked up neatly on the counter by the cookie jar that I had bought him in the shape of a Harley. I still had a little bit of time before I needed to meet Michael and had planned on working on these papers.

I had dressed casual enough for a date when I got ready for church. I had one a deep purple spaghetti strap maxi dress that hit at my calves. Mom had told me when I bought it made my blue eyes bluer. Since it was still cooler out I had paired it with a pair of black flats and my light weight black cardigan.

I had even taken the time to curl my hair into loose curls. I gathered up the papers and turned to dart back out of the house when I stopped in my tracks. Brantley was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed staring at me.

I swear he's part ninja at times instead of biker because he has a talent for sneaking up on me. I took in the black hat pulled low over his eyes, tight grey t-shirt, black jeans with holes in the knees, and black boots. He had left the chains off today but had a few of his rings on along with the cross necklace I had gotten him for his birthday last year. I pulled the papers to my chest and glared at him.

"Dammit Brantley Keith! You scared the hell out of me," I grumbled." I was just picking these up. I'll get out of your hair because I know you are probably headed to your mama's."

I went to walk towards the door and was stopped with a long arm grabbing me. I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face and couldn't get a read on what he was thinking. Looking me dead in the eye, Brantley took the stack of papers from my hands and sat them on the counter behind him before stepping towards me and making me back up.

I was stopped when my back hit the granite island in the middle. He grinned darkly at my gasp before turning me around and pushing me into the island with his hips. I put my hands on the hard granite to catch myself. He wrapped one arm around my waist as he took the other and slid the cardigan off my shoulder and drug his lips and beard along the hollow of my neck making me shiver.

When he nipped the curve of my neck with his teeth I couldnt help but push back and rub my ass against the bulge in his pants teasing him a little as well. He rocked his hips into me as payback while he kept up his assault on my neck. Trailing his tongue, teeth, and lips all the way up to my ear, knowing what it did to me while he traced his hands from my waist up to my breasts before palming one gently in his big hand.

Face, it this man could play my body better than he could his guitar. He sucked that one spot in the curve of my neck that only he could find and my knees buckled slightly.

I heard him growl before he spun me around placing his lips on mine, taking his tongue to force them open, he kissed me deeply. I felt his hands grip my waist before effortlessly lifting me to sit me on the counter. I lifted my hand up to yank his hat off and tossing it on the floor. I shamelessly wrapped my legs around his waist as she shifted his hips to grind his hard dick into my core causing me to whimper in my throat.

As he continued his assault on my mouth, I felt him moan deep in his chest as I moved my hand from around his neck and reached for his belt buckle. He stilled my hand with his and pulled back to look at me.

"Want something baby girl?" he whispered before nipping my bottom lip.

I shuddered and nodded, closing my eyes. I heard the buckle clank and the hiss of his zipper before he eased my skirt up my legs and yanked me to the edge of the counter. He hooked a finger in my lace boy shorts before dragging them to the side. He took his thumb and circled it around my clit causing me to jerk my hips. He shifted to take his dick in hand and rubbed the head against me before looking down at me with a dark smirk.

"As you wish baby girl," he said before shifting his hips and sliding home.

I gasped out with the feel as he squeezed my hips and he set a punishing rhythm. His eyes had gone so dark they almost looked black. He hooked a hand behind my neck and eased it back making me arch my back as I moved my hips along with his. I fisted my hands in his shirt and yanked his lips down on mine. I felt myself getting close, I clamped my inner walls down on him causing him to gasp at the unexpected sensation and setting off fireworks for both of us.

I felt the rush of ecstasy as I went over the cliff and felt the heat as he went over with me. Brantley sat his forehead down on mine as he tried to get control of his breathing. Leaning down to place a long slow kiss on my lips, he backed up and tucked himself back in his jeans and pulled the zipper back up before fastening his belt.

He leaned down and picked his hat off the floor then settled it back on his head. With an unreadable look in his eyes, he leaned down to give me kiss on the cheek before backing away and again and heading toward the door.

"Have fun on your date sweetheart", I heard before the door clicked shut. Leaving me there still sitting on the counter with my skirt hiked up, breathing heavy, cardigan around my elbows and one strap of my dress falling off my shoulders and my curled hair all in disarray. What the hell was that?

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