Flashback: What the hell Steph????

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Author's Note: So I know you remeber Brantleys "interesting " 😉 reaction to her date with Michael in Chapter Five. Well there was a reason for it 😁. Let's take a little trip back to December 2012

Stephanie's POV

I was standing in the lobby of the Union Station Hotel in Nashville tapping my booted foot on the tile floor. I looked at my watch one more time and growled. I sent yet another text before walking out and looking again. The poor doorman had a worried look on his face. Yea buddy, the five feet two-inch blonde girl is something to be so terrified of.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head making my chin length blonde hair swing. I hadn't seen my best friend face to face in months. He'd been on the road, the studio, and had his head stuck so far up a certain bitchy starlet's ass, I was amazed he knew what planet he was on. I get it. He'd had a huge year. He was busy, but it hurt that he seemed to be too busy for me.

First, I had gotten mail a voicemail when I landed, that he was stuck in an interview and couldn't make it to pick me up from the airport. I had been cussing under my breath after checking my phone while standing in line at the baggage claim. I couldn't but help and smile though when I saw Ben standing there with a big sign with my name on it. He gave me a big hug before grabbing my bag and leading me out.

I was off work for a couple weeks for Christmas break. Brantley had begged me to fly up to Nashville for a few days to hang out since we'd miss each other for Christmas. He and Jana were going out of town before heading to Georgia and Michigan.

My parents and I were flying to Texas to see my uncle and his family. I was a little depressed. This was the first Christmas in a long time I wouldnt spend the morning of Christmas Eve helping Mama Becky making cookies. I had moved back to Jefferson this past summer after taking a position as a history teacher at Jefferson High School. Id ended my engagement to David and left Athens to come home.

I looked at my watch for the hundredth time in the last thirty minutes. He had called after his interview that hed be here at eight to go and grab something to eat and walk around a little. It was now eight thirty and my calls and texts were going unanswered. I decided to hell with it. I got the doorman to flag me down a taxi to take me to Broadway.

After paying the driver, I walked into the first bar I saw and dropped down on a barstool. I'd find something to do. There was always music to listen to. I noticed there was some kind of party going on the second floor. Maybe I could find someone to dance with. I didn't look too bad tonight if say so myself.

I had a fitted black shirt on that bared my shoulders and showed just a strip of my still tan stomach if I raised my arms. My favorite jeans with holes worn just right in the knees and heeled black boots that gave me a few more inches in height.

I'd added a few highlights to my honey blonde hair last week to make it a little bit lighter. I flagged down the bartender to order a beer and two shots of tequila then pulled out my phone to send a quick text to Ashley.

Steph: Asshole flaked on me. I flew all the way up here and it was Ben who picked me up from the airport Ash.

Ash: He probably got caught up writing or something. You of all people know how he loses track of time when he gets started. He would have been late to our wedding if you hadnt gone to find him.

Steph: Yea, caught up I bet. Hope he strapped a two by four to his ass first so he doesnt fall in.

Ash: Steph, behave. It's not the first girlfriend you haven't liked, nor will it be the last. If I didn't know any better I would think you were jealous. But what do I know huh.

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