Chapter Sixteen

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baseballfan8 The video and description are just for you. You are welcome!!! 😍😍😍

Stephanie's POV

I rolled over to reach for Brantley and was met with nothing. I had come back to the bed earlier to take a nap and he'd come to curl up with me. It seemed the one pregnancy symptom I had passed on to him was the sleepiness. My normal night owl husband would crash as early as I did some nights.

It was like being on the road with a bunch of mother hens and I was the damn chick for a change. Normally, I helped Mike keep them all in line when I was out on the road with them. Now they were all coddling me. The boys in the band took turns making craving runs. This damn kid had a sweet tooth for sure. P.J. bird dogged me every step I made off the bus if Brantley wasn't right beside me.

I had wanted just five minutes of peace the other night and took off on the golf cart without him making him walk into the venue from the bus. I had been proud of myself as I parked it. That was until I was I heard a throat clear and I turned to meet the glaring gaze and crossed arms of my husband. Telling him he looked so sexy when he was mad hadn't done the trick.

I rubbed my stomach as I lay there thinking. I wasn't even sure where we were at. The bus wasn't moving so we must have made it to the venue for tomorrow night or we were stopped somewhere. I heard the door open followed by footsteps. I pushed up on my elbows to see my hot as hell husband leaning against the door looking at me.

He didn't have on anything special. Just a plain white t-shirt that hugged his arms and chest just right. Cross necklaces and dog tags. That damn black hat on backwards, turned me into a puddle of goo every time. His dark shades. A pair of light colored blue jeans that I had picked up the other day when I had snuck away to go shopping. (I seriously needed girl time.)

All topped off with his chains and his boots. The things I have done and will do to that man because he is all mine. I bit my lip and let my eyes travel back up his body from the tip of his boots until I was met with that trademark smirk. He shook his head as he pulled his shades off and walked over to the bed. He sat them down on the nightstand before leaning over me.

"I'd give my first number one record to know what just went through your mind sweetheart," he said looking down at me with a soft smile. I reached up to tangle my fingers in his necklaces pulling his head down to me. I bit his full bottom lip gently before flicking my tongue over it.

"No guessing at all handsome. I think you know," I murmured against his lips before he crashed his back down on mine making me moan deep in my throat.

I wanted to jump him on a normal basis. Now had to add pregnancy hormones to the mix. Ass had actually yanked on his jeans and stomped off the bus the other day and run away from me. Had the nerve to tell me that he was afraid I was going to break his dick. I had looked at him like he was crazy as he tugged a t-shirt on and glared at me.

Reminded me that we werent twenty-one anymore that he had to have some recovery time. I had snapped back to get eat some Wheaties because Mama was horny as hell. He hid out and didn't see or speak to me until he finished VIP that night. I reached over to twine my fingers in his belt loops to pull him closer to me. I pulled back and pouted when I felt his hand stop mine. He chuckled as he dropped a kiss on my nose and stood up straight reaching a hand down to help me up.

"Later Mrs. Horndog," he said with a laugh. "I promise. But we've made it to Chicago and you have company. So change out my t-shirt for some clothes and come on."

I poked my lip out one more time hoping it would get me my way but was turned down with a smile and a finger pointed at the closet. I yanked his t-shirt over my head and picked up the cream lace bra I had tossed on the chair earlier. The fact that I had already went up a cup size from my normal B is something that made my husband grin.

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