Flashback: I Can't Do This Anymore: Part II

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March 2011

Stephanie's POV

I took a sip from the wine glass in my hand and tried to smile at the older lady carrying on a conversation with me. I discreetly glanced at my watch as I nodded at something she had said. Tonight, was David and I's engagement party. It just also happened to be my twenty-sixth birthday as well. David had insisted on the date because it was what fit into his calendar. I had wanted to wait until this summer but the hotel in Atlanta he'd wanted to have it at had opened up a date.

I shot another glance towards the door and felt my heart drop a little at the absence of a familiar figure walking through the door. He had promised. I stifled a grin as I glanced at my daddy across the room tugging at his tie. He had no problem with dressing up at times but the man hated to wear a tie.

Mom was carrying on a conversation with David's mom about the wedding I am sure. His family came from old money which was the reason for the massive party and I shuddered at the thought of what the wedding was going to be like. I nodded my head and faked a little more interest in the conversation. I knew she was one of David's aunts, just wasnt sure which one.

I winced slightly at the pressure on my feet at the heels his mother had insisted I get to go with the dress tonight. The beige floor length number was not me at all but I was reminded when shopping I had a part to play now. Ashley and I had argued recently that I was just settling for the first one that came along. I snapped back that I wasn't and I loved David. She had mumbled out that she hoped
I enjoyed being trophy wife Barbie because that was the road I was heading down.

She growled that between that and the road Brantley was headed down she didnt know who was dumber at the moment. That was before she hung up on me. She and Eli hadn't been able to come tonight because Cam was sick. I had stopped by yesterday to drop off some movies to keep him entertained until his fever broke. He had automatically asked me where Uncle B was and I had tears gather in my eyes at the look of disappointment when I said he was busy. Ashley and Eli hadn't let him come around after New Years Eve.

Brantley had tried to get me to talk them out of it but I couldn't go against them if they felt it was what was best for Cam. I felt an arm slip around my shoulders and I looked up to see Kolby standing beside me. I gave David's aunt a smile and excused myself. Kolby turned me to the side and handed me the tequila shot he had in his hand with a grin.

"Here Short Stuff," he said looking over my shoulder then grinning down at me. I thought you could use this.

I downed the shot and coughed as I gave him a grateful smile.

"Thanks Giant," I said squeezing his hand. I looked up at him under my eyelashes. "Heard from him?"

"No, honey I haven't," he said shaking his head. I bit my lip to curb the disappointment. I patted his arm and smiled softly at the fact he was all dressed up in slacks, button down shirt and tie all because I had asked him to. I squared my shoulders and tamped it down as I pasted a fake smile on my face.

I walked over to the table my parents and Mama Becky were sitting at and stopped to give them a kiss on the cheek. I was answering a question Mama Becky had asked about one of my students when I jumped at the hand on my arm. I also heard a loud voice at the doorway about the time David leaned down to hiss in my ear.

"Please take care of that. He's causing a scene at the door and I have family and clients here," he muttered before turning on his heel and walking back to a group of men with curious looks on their faces. I looked to the doorway to see that all too familiar leather jacket and scowl arguing with the coordinator the hotel had supplied us with. I waved Mama Becky and Kolby both off as I marched towards the door as fast as my heels would let me.

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