Flashback: 2006, Part II

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Brantley's POV

We both jumped apart when a hand landed on both of our shoulders.

"Hey guys, look I've got to head out and go home. My mom just called about my grandma being in the hospital. It ok if I just drop y'all off at the apartment? "Lacey asked.

Steph cleared her throat before nodding her head. Lacey gave us both a grateful smile. The three off us weaved through the crowd towards the door. As we made our way across the parking lot to Lacey's Mustang, I noticed how wobbly Steph was walking. I had a slight buzz going on but she was feeling way better than I was. I scooped her up in my arms so she wouldn't bust her tail on the concrete.

She let out a giggle before burying her face in my neck. I tightened my grip on a her a little enjoying the feel of her in my arms. Lacey opened the passenger door so I could sit down. I slowly sat down with Steph curled up. She had already drifted off to sleep. Lacey shut the door behind us after I pulled my long legs in and got settled.

A few minutes into the drive to their apartment, Lacey looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked softly as I played with a strand of Stephs long blonde hair.

"When are you gonna man up and tell her BG?" she asked giving me a knowing look. I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm not Lace. She deserves much more than I could ever give her. Way more than a wanna be singer who drinks way too much," I said looking down at Stephanies sleeping face.

"No, what she deserves is a man who is head over heels in love with her and that my friend is you," she said shaking a finger at me.

"I can't lose my best friend Lacey. I just can't ok," I grumbled leaning my head back against the head rest. She shrugged her shoulders and we continued the rest of the drive in silence. Ten minutes later Lacey pulled into their apartment complex and parked between my bike and Stephanie's Jeep.

"You got her?" Lacey asked giving me a smile. I nodded back and opened the door to the car. I tightened my grip on Stephanie as I stood up. Her eyes blinked open sleepily as I shut the door with my hip.

"I can walk B," she said slowly. I gave her a look before sitting her down on feet gently. She wobbled slightly as she made her way over to the door pulling her key out of the front pocket of her shorts. I followed behind her and had to reach forward to steady her hand trying to unlock the door with mine.

She got it opened and stumbled in the door. I laughed quietly as I locked the door behind me after we walked in and could hear her crash into the coffee table. I sucked in a harsh breath when I turned and saw Stephanie coming out of the kitchen chugging a bottle of water.

She had yanked off halter top, leaving her in just a black lace strapless bra and her cut off shorts. She'd lost the flip flops as well and I could see long tanned legs ending in red tipped toes. I wanted to cry because if this had been any other woman I would have already charmed her out of those skimpy ass shorts. But this was Steph. She rolled her eyes at me slightly before turning towards her room.

"I'm gonna go grab a shower," she called out over her shoulder. I kicked my boots off by the doorway. I slightly leaned my head over to see in the doorway as she reached back to unhook the black bra and tossing it to the side. I bit my fist to keep quiet and almost fell over with how far over I was leaning. All I could see was smooth tanned back but damn.

I smacked myself upside the head as I stalked to the kitchen. Get it together BG, get it together. That's Stephanie. I tossed my hat on the counter and ran my fingers through my hair tugging, willing myself to calm down. Shit, I had to do something about the massive tent in my jeans. I opened the freezer and stuck my head in to cool my overheated face. Growling I slammed the door and looked down, nope no luck.

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