Flashback: Way Back, Part: I

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Late August 2014

Brantley's POV

I was stretched out on the floor of the garage tuning something on my bike when I heard a pair of flip flops slapping against the concrete then felt a foot kick my boot making me jerk. I muttered out a curse at the ripping sound when I moved my leg. Dammit, I should have grabbed another pair of jeans since these were shot to hell.

"Hmmm.. do I need to snap a picture to show all the fan girls that you are definitely freeballing today rockstar?" Stephanie asked leaning over the side of my bike to look down at me. I growled and rolled my eyes at her.

"Don't you fucking dare sweetheart," I said standing up and giving her a smirk. She pushed my shoulder and laughed then handed me a rag to wipe the grease off my hands. Stephanie gave me a look I couldn't quite read as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then bit her lip. I glanced over at her long tan legs in a pair of red Nike shorts and a blue Jefferson High t-shirt. I could almost swear she was seventeen again instead of thirty.

"So, I thought you were gonna come by Ash and Eli's last night and grill with us? I know you've only got about another week home," she asked giving me a smile that I knew was fake.

What was up with her today. I knew the stress of getting ready to get back in the swing of things for the school year was probably getting to her. She always bounced back and forth between being excited and stressed. I wanted to swear my ears were still ringing from the cussing I had gotten in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago after I got pissy over Cole mooning over her. I did not need another episode like Chase. Had to tamp down my temper any time I saw him now.

"Um, I was and then I went for a drive instead," I answered not meeting her eyes.

"Brantley Keith, don't even try to lie to me," she snarled glaring at me. "I know she's home and you saw her. Hell, the whole damn town knows. Why not tell me? I had to find out from my Mom who heard it at the grocery store."

"Because I knew this would be your reaction," I said quietly looking down at my boots. I heard a loud sigh then felt her step closer to me. Stephanie placed a soft hand on my cheek lifting my head to look into her blue eyes.

"I know there's probably a lot of unanswered questions there that you won't talk to even me about," she said with a sigh. "I'm just worried about you if things go south again. Might as well shoot me too if you wind up in the damn bottle again. I cannot and will not watch you do that again B."

I wrapped my hand around her wrist and looked at her.

"We just rode around and talked about old times Steph and I'm taking her to dinner tonight," I said softly trying to gage her reaction. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do about Amber, or if I wanted to do anything. I will say it took my breath away to see her walk down those porch steps towards my truck last night. I know her leaving was part of the start of my downfall into the bottle. But like I told her last night, I was more to blame myself than her. She saw it coming and knew she didn't want a part of that. "I think both of us need some closure Steph."

"I guess,"she said pulling her hand away and stepping back. I watched her lockdown whatever she was thinking and wrap her arms around her waist. I just dont want you to get hurt again. "I can't handle seeing you go down that road again B. Might as well shoot both of us if you do."

I walked over to her tugging her closer and wrapping my arms around her shoulders making her look up at me. "Steph, you of all people know that it's a day to day thing but I've got a handle on it and you know it. It's just dinner ok. You know single for life is the motto I've pretty much decided to stick to."

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