First Meeting

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Stephanie's POV

I glanced around the classroom as the teacher motioned me to the front. I felt all eyes on me. I tugged the end of my blonde pig tails nervously.I really wanted to kick my daddy for taking his new job in Athens and moving us from Valdosta to Jefferson. Half the school year was over and I looked like the freak with no friends. Fifth grade in a new school was going to suck.

"Class, this is our new student Stephanie Davis," Mrs. Ashburn said. "Can y'all say hello to her."

"Hello Stephanie," they chorused back. Mrs. Ashburn pointed towards my seat.

I noticed a boy with light brown hair and green eyes had the seat next to me. He gave a smirk as I went to sit down. I glared over at him and hung my backpack on the back of my desk before pulling out my notebook and pencil so I could get started on what our teacher was going over.

Later that morning as I slowly walked out the door to the playground for recess I was stopped by a blonde headed girl who had her hair in a high ponytail. She bounced over to me with a grin.

"Hi Stephanie! I'm Ashley," she bubbled out. "I really like your pig tails."
"Thanks," I said wondering where she got this much energy.
"Want to go swing?" she asked pointing over to the huge purple and white swing set.
"Sure," I said smiling over at her. "Let's go."

We both took off running to the last two swings open. Ashley hopped on hers and I was just about to when I collided with someone trying to get in the swing the same time as me. I grabbed a chain on one side and so did they.

" I was here first," we both yelled. I stared over at the brown haired boy that was sitting near me in class. I stomped my foot and glared at him. He leaned closer to me and glared back.

"It's mine," I snapped. He tugged the chain making me step closer.

"No, it's mine," he said before reaching over to tug on my pigtail.

"Hey!" I screeched making me drop the chain for the swing. He went to try and jump in it but I hit him in the stomach causing him to suck in his breath and dropped the chain.

I quickly hopped in the swing sticking my tongue out at him. He glared at me as he held his stomach. I felt bad so I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm sorry," I said giving him a faint smile. "How about we take turns? If you will push me I will push you."
I was rewarded with a smile and a quick nod of his head. He moved behind me to grab the chains and give me a push.

"I'm Brantley by the way," he said as he gave me a push.

Later on in class I was listening to Mrs. Ashburn explain our math for the day when a note landed on my desk. I jumped and turned my head to the direction it had come from. Brantley gave me a shy smile before staring back down at his notebook.

I glanced to see that the teachers back was turned and pulled the note down into my lap. I opened it up and smiled as I read.

Do you want to be my best friend?
Check yes or no?

I smiled softly as I picked up the pencil and checked yes then folded it back up. I watched for my opening and tossed it back on his desk when the teacher turned around again. Brantley opened it slowly and gave me the sweetest grin as he read my answer. That smile would be something I remembered as long as I lived.

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