Flash Forward: October 2018: Part III

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Stephanie's POV

I turned on my stool to see Brantley standing there with murder in his eyes. Thomas and Justin standing just behind him mirroring his stance of crossed arms and scowls. I saw Luke, Jason, and PJ in the same position on the other side of the table. They had slightly put themselves in front of the girls. Ashley reached over to put a hand on my arm.

Since we were the only ones in what was considered the VIP area to the side near the stage, no one was paying much attention to us right now. I slipped off my stool to put myself between a smirking Chase and my irate husband. I stumbled just a little as my boot heel caught since I was a little wobbly from the alcohol. Brantley wrapped a big hand around my arm to help steady me about the time Chase put a hand on my hip as well. Oh no.

I was tugged closer with a growl. I cut my eyes to Justin as the two of them stared off over my head. I pointed at my hip and raised my eyebrow. He shook his head no. I let out a small sigh of relief. He wasn't packing, thank God.

"I will repeat myself yet again," Brantley growled out through clenched teeth. "Why in the fucking hell did you have your hands on my wife?"

"Well man, I thought what the hell since she was out alone and had been drinking," Chase said shooting a cocky grin my way. "It's benefitted me in the past."
Ok you ass, I thought. I was getting mad myself now.

"You son of bitch. I warned you away from her last time," Brantley snapped. I could feel his chest vibrating with rage against my back. Chase crossed his arms across his chest and smirked.

"I don't recall a warning from you other than you putting a ring on her finger," he said.
Newsflash Chase, that's a pretty big one there.

"Pretty sure him putting a fist in your face was it," Caroline called out from the other side of the table.
Luke reached over to put a hand over her mouth shooting her a warning glare. He shook his head firmly at her to not add to the situation. She glaeed at him before nodding.Chase stepped a little closer and narrowed his eyes sizing Brantley up. My God! Did you have a death wish man.

"You know, it pisses you off to no end that I had her first huh," Chase said with a huge grin.
I pushed back with my feet to add a little weight against Brantley's chest to keep him in place. I heard a humorless chuckle slip past his lips as he pointed a finger in Chase's face.

"Mother fucker, the only reason she even went down that road was because she was pissed off at me," Brantley said grinning maliciously. I bit my lip because yea, he was right. "Trust me, you weren't there first."

I turned to glare up at my smart ass husband. He glanced down at me with a hard stare. We so didn't need to have this discussion. But I couldn't help but think he looked hot as hell with those arms bowed up making that tight black t-shirt stretch across those arms. Brantley stepped a little closer to Chase as I heard his knuckles crack.

"Take a piece of advice now. It's not your name she has tattooed on her or your ring on her finger. Stay the hell away from my wife," he growled.

"Boss, if you are gonna finish this," PJ called out quietly. "Be best to take this outside."

"Well maybe if you were doing your husbandly duties right," Chase chimed in. "Then maybe she wouldn't be at one of my shows."

I barely had time to register the words that he said before I was shoved back behind Brantley and Thomas catching me to keep me from hitting the floor. I heard a crash as the table was knocked into when Chase stumbled back after taking hard right to the jaw. I let out a gasp when Brantley tackled him to the floor. Ashley shook her head and sipped her beer with a grin.

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