Chapter Thirty-Two

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Stephanie's POV

I leaned my hip against the kitchen counter by the sink and let out a small sigh as I sipped my coffee. It had been a couple of weeks since the CMA's. I think B had finally come down off of cloud nine. Not that I could blame him. He and Carson both were snoozing away curled up in our bed. The busyness of Thanksgiving was upon us and both of our families would be piling in here in a few days.

Brantley and Kolby both planned to be in the woods as much as they could this weekend which earned them both a glare from me. I heard the click of nails on the tile floor then Sylo rested his head against me as I leaned my hand down to idly scratch the top of his head. I thought back over all that had happened the last few years.

Pretty sure I'd had a morning just like this not long ago when I couldn't sleep. But instead of lingering over coffee and watching the world from the kitchen picture window, I had been tip toeing out the door. Then I'd never made it a habit to sleep over more than I could get away with. Wasn't because I didn't want to, just made it harder to see what I wanted so badly curled up on the pillow next to me and I thought I couldnt have it.

My eyes watered slightly at the thought of all the missed signals, arguments, and any other thing that had stood between us for so long. Then I couldn't help but smile a little. We were both so much stronger because of it though. I loved that man and our little boy more than anyone could ever know. I wasn't complete without him. I knew we had busy year ahead of us with him going into the studio for the next album in February then heading out on tour in March. A toddler on a bus, boy was this going to be fun.

I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn't hear a pair of footsteps or know anyone was around until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I felt Brantley rub his chin across my shoulder where his t-shirt had slipped off. Even though we shared a closet now, I still got growled at when he couldn't find a certain shirt he was looking for and had to go dig on my side for it.

"What ya doing sweetheart," he mumbled still half asleep. I settled back further into his arms with a happy sigh. I could hear Carson cackling from the living room and Sylo barking softly along with him. B must have put him in his jumper. Kid loved that thing. Was already a dare devil in seeing how high he could go. Heaven help me since he was already trying to walk. I would be chasing him everywhere.

"Just thinking," I replied tucking my head under his chin and passing him my coffee cup. He took a sip then sat it down on the counter and laced the fingers of both hands with mine as he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.

"Good things I hope," he said quietly. "Never a good thing when you get lost in your head Stephanie Lynn."

"Yes babe," I said turning in his arms to smile up at him. "All good things."

"Hmmm....." he said narrowing his green eyes at me before placing his hands on my hips and lifting me up on the counter. I grinned when he stepped between my legs and braced his hands on the counter boxing me in. Brantley buried his head in my neck as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He pressed soft kisses against the curve of my neck making me moan. "Remember that night you were a little tipsy off shine..hmmmm what was it that you called me that night?"

"I dunno B," I murmured dragging my nails up and down his back lightly making him growl in appreciation. "That was a few years ago. I'll play your game, what did I call you?"

"Bullshit, Stephanie Lynn," he grumbled biting down on my ear. "You know exactly what night I am referring to and I want to hear you say it again."

He let out a yelp when I pinched his nipple and glared at me as I grinned. "Uh,uh, ain't happening. You just want to be in control babe," I replied shaking me head and giving him a playful glare. I leaned back further on the counter top trying to get away from him as he stared me down and tightened his grip on my thighs.

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