Chapter Thirty

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Brantley's POV

I had the grin spread across my lips hid behind my coffee cup as I watched the guys slowly sit down in a part of the upper section of the Bridgestone Arena. Every one of them were sporting dark sunglasses this morning and holding a large coffee cup. I had finally crawled in bed with Stephanie about two a.m. after the idiots sacked out snoring downstairs at Jason's.

Brittany had laughed and videoed me loading Tyler's dumbass in my truck to drop him off on my way out. Yea, the picture of him curled up in my passenger seat with his crown sideways on his head and using that cape as a blanket may or may not be making its rounds on social media right now.

"Whose bright idea was yesterday again?" Thomas moaned out leaning his head back. "Someone turn the damn music down."

"Jason's," Luke muttered holding his head in one hand. "It's called sound check TR."

"Fuck you Luke," Jason growled puling his glasses down to glare at him. "Was just as much your idea as it was mine."

I choked back a laugh and pulled out the bottle of Tylenol I had stuck in my hoodie pocket when I left the hotel this morning. I shook it making all three of them turn and look over at me.

"Here boys," I said tossing it to Luke. "Steph sent those to y'all."

"Knew Firecracker loved us," Luke said with a half smile opening the bottle and passing it to Jason.

"Maybe," I said with an evil grin. "That or she's been in y'all's shoes before. Ask her what happened the last time she made the jar bubble."

They laughed and we sat there for a little bit watching the setup going on around us. Steph had sent me a message earlier that she was headed out with Caroline to get her nails and make up done for tonight and that she loved my Instagram post this morning. Tyler was going to shit kittens when he finally got up and moving.

"GOOD MORNING ASSHOLES!!!" Justin said through a megaphone from right behind us. I jumped and spilled some of my coffee and turned to glare at him.

"Ahhhhh, "Thomas said holding his head and covering his ears. "Fuck Justin! My damn head is pounding as it is."

"Good," Justin said with an evil grin on his face. "Serves you jackasses right. Moonshine bowling with out me. What the hell is wrong with you fuckers?"

"Well," Luke drawled glaring at him. "Don't take your sweet precious time getting to Nashville next time."

"I would have been here sooner if my wife hadn't been dragging ass," Justin grumbled flopping down in the seat by me.

"Kate hears you say that," Jason said with a snicker pulling his hat down over his eyes. "You'll be sleeping on the bus because she's not going to let your ass in the house."

I chuckled and sipped my coffee. This bunch was nuts but you had to love them. "So, it all the girls together today or just my trouble and Scary Blonde 1 and 2?"

"Oh, it's all of them," Luke said with a laugh then winced holding his head. "I've already sent Sarge with them to try and keep them out of trouble."

"Dammit man," Justin whined. "Can't we have one awards show that we dont have to worry about bailing their crazy asses out of jail?"

"Eh," Jason muttered sitting up and pushing his hat back up. "Keep Britt from laughing at my hangover. I swear she found ever pot and pan she could for Memphis to bang on while I was fixing coffee this morning."

"Someone has warned Blake to not give the girls liquor, tonight right?" Thomas asked cracking one eye open. "I feel you man. Lauren told the girls to jump on Daddy this morning and yell in my ears."

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