Chapter Seven

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Brantley's POV

After apparently passing out like a damn pussy, I came to on a gurney they had wheeled into Steph's room. The doctor was staring me down as I sat up slowly and placed my booted feet on the floor, bracing my arms on the bed to stop the world from spinning.

"Mr. Gilbert, are you ok?" Dr. Martin asked. I looked up and nodded my head at him before locking eyes with Stephanie. I cleared my throat as I stood up wobbly. "Think y'all could give us a minute to talk?

"Yes sir. I'll just got get started on Ms. Daviss discharge papers," the doctor said before turning and heading out the door. I noticed that the coffee was up off the floor and Michael was nowhere around. How long had I been out?

"I'm going to go call your mom and dad, Steph. Let them know you are getting out of here soon. I'll tell them it was brought on by a migraine. Same thing for Mama," Kolby said pushing himself up out of the chair he had been in.

"Thanks Giant, " she said softly as she pushed her blonde hair behind her ears. She was looking down and twisting her fingers in the blanket when I heard the door click shut. I slowly made my over to the bed and sat on the edge. I reached over and placed my hand under her chin to make her look up at me. When she raised her head my heart almost broke at the tears pooling in her blue eyes.

"B... I, um, well..." she stammered before I placed a finger over her lips shaking my head.

"Don't sweetheart. We are both adults here," I said shooting her a sheepish smile. I had opened my mouth to say something else when the door opened again. A brunette around my mom's age came in pushing a machine. She smiled at Stephanie.

"Dr. Martin wanted to get a quick ultrasound before he let you go Ms. Davis," she said as she got closer to the bed. Stephanie eyes widened slightly before she nodded her head. The technician smiled at us as she moved closer to the bed.

I stood up and moved to stand at Stephanie's head. She advised Steph to pull her blue jean cut offs down slightly and to ease her t-shirt up a little to expose her stomach. Once everything was fixed she squirted some gel on her stomach and cut the machine on.

"Ok, mom and dad, are we ready?" she asked looking at both of us. I swallowed deeply before reaching over to grip Steph's hand in mine as we both nodded. I stared at the screen transfixed as she moved the wand around until she found what she was looking for.

What could only be described in my man-brain as a peanut shaped blob was on the screen and I looked down at Stephanie with shock on my face. She was looking up at me with tears in her eyes. Then I heard a noise that made me jerk my head toward the screen as my eyes widened.

"Is that... "I mumbled. The tech looked over at me and smiled softly as I saw out of the corner of my eyes Steph's free hand cover her mouth as tears streamed down her face.

"Yes sir, thats the heartbeat. A good strong one to. I'll take some measurements and print y'all out some pictures. Ms. Davis, you need to make an appointment soon to get your due date and let the OB check you out."

Stephanie nodded her head and squeezed my hand tighter. I was mesmerized by the sound and I felt myself get woozy and dizzy again and like something shifted. I did that. Me. With the woman that I would literally lay my life down for. Fuck, I didn't deserve her. I saw Steph's mouth moving as she talked to the tech. But it was all white noise to me as I shook my head to clear it. I dropped Stephanie's hand and backed away from the bed. She jerked her head and looked over at me.

"B, you ok?" she said.

"I gotta go, " I mumbled as I turned and strode to the door. Its official I am a damn idiot.

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