From Athens to Arlington: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

I was sitting in a chair half asleep with my feet in Ben's lap as the guys talked around me about a change or two to the setlist for tonight. Fairly sure Kolby's ears were still ringing from the blistering phone call I had given him after I sat down. Jesse had been snickering the whole time until I glared at him. He had shaken his head when I hung up.

"Damn Little Bit," he said with a grin. "What has gotten you riled up today? You came in full of piss and vinegar."

"I need a nap," I growled slumping down further in my chair with my eyes still closed. No point bringing up my run in with Mark. He was new and didn't need an ass kicking this soon.

"Steph, you are being grouchier than BG when he doesn't get a Snickers before the show," Ben said with a laugh squeezing my ankle. "Is it that time of the month? Or are we all gonna be uncles soon and you haven't told us."

"Fuck off Drummer Boy," I snapped pulling my shades back over my eyes even though I was inside. For some reason, I guess I thought this would shut them up. "Have to be dating someone first for that to happen wouldn't I, you dumbasses."

They all cracked up laughing.

"True," BJ chimed in earning a middle finger from me. "What happened to that cowboy you met earlier this year in Houston?"

"Oh I dunno, some idiots I know ran him off when he dropped me back off at the bus after taking me to dinner. Thought y'all were a bunch of bad asses didn't ya,"I snapped then huffed out a sigh.

Brantley had been in the middle of an interview but the entire damn band had been standing there arms crossed and chests puffed out when the guy had dropped me off. I had met him on the flight in and he'd asked if he could take me to dinner. B was too busy at the time to really give it much thought. He'd smiled absently and told me to have fun but to please not miss the show.

So, the rest of the guys had picked up the slack. I swear with this bunch after the whole David ordeal came to light, I wasn't ever going to be able to date again. I knew what it was. I'd distanced myself when I was with David and they didn't want it to happen again. Ben had made that comment one night and I had reminded him that a lot more than that was going on at the time and he knew it.

Brantley and I had our own issues and bump in road of our friendship because of his drinking. More than B had missed me when I had walked away. I knew the next guy had to be able to embrace my rockstar best friend and my merry band of idiots.

"What did y'all do to piss her off now?" I heard from behind me.

"Giving her hell, "Ben said with a laugh. "What else? Fair warning BG, shes on a warpath. Kolby caught the brunt of it over the phone."

"Well, his dumb ass should have gotten her to the airport on time," Brantley growled down as I leaned my head back to look up at him with a smirk.

"That's what I told him," I said sleepily. "Among other things."

"She also broke in the new security guy," PJ said with a laugh. "Mark will be limping for the next few days and his left ear is still bright red from where she twisted it."

All the guys let out a wince at that one. I pushed my glasses up my head and glared at them all. Geez, I wasn't that bad.

"Should have let me through," I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest. Brantley shook his head and walked around to the front of my chair and held his hand out.

"Come on grouch," he said with a laugh. "Let's get you a nap before you shoot someone."

I glared at him as I put my hand in his and dropped my feet down to stand up. I let out a half sigh when I was scooped up in B's arms and settled my head on his shoulder as he turned to walk towards the bus with PJ walking with us. I gave the guys a half wave and closed my eyes. I swear, I loved my best friend to death and when I got tired like this snuggles from him is exactly what I needed.

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