Flashback: Bye Felicia, Part II

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Roughly a month later..

Stephanie's POV

I pulled up in Brantley's driveway and hopped out. Mama Becky had sent me over to pick up a pie plate she had left here on the 4th. Claimed she just had to have that one for a pie she was making for a potluck at church on Sunday. Kolby had taken me home shortly after the whole showdown while Brantley had rushed to the E.R. with Jana.

Ashley had sent me the link for CMT.com where they had written an article that the hooker had gotten into an ATV accident at fiancée Brantley Gilbert's Georgia home over the holiday and had had to push back filming on her latest movie. More like my fist ran into her face I thought with an evil grin. It had gone on to state that he had only sustained bruised ribs in the accident.

Yep, I was to blame for those too. I made my way to the front door to unlock it. I was texting Mama Becky to see where she had left the plate when I heard a steady stream of gunfire making me drop to my knees on the porch. What the hell!! I felt my body to make sure I was whole.

I stood up and looked toward the garage. Nope Kolby's truck was gone, B's hadn't been moved, nope wait a bike that hadn't been there the other day when I picked Kolby up was sitting out. I noticed the logo on the side and my eyebrows raised. I thought Brantley was supposed to be in Nashville.

He had only been communicating with me through text message. Ben had text to say he was like moving like an old grandpa favoring those ribs. He told me the whole band had applauded when they found out I had been the cause behind the damage. The boys couldn't stand her. They had been mad at me all summer because I hadnt been around much.

I heard another round of gunfire and pushed open the unlocked front door. I pinpointed it to the back deck. Damn, this wasn't gonna be good. I saw the broken cellphone in pieces in the middle of the foyer close to the stairs. I glanced towards the living room. His camo recliner was on its side, two ugly ass vases that Jana had picked out were shattered behind the couch and I was pretty sure. Yep. The photo of them from last years CMA awards was protruding out of the wall near the entrance to the kitchen.

Had to have tossed it pretty hard to get it like that. I dropped my phone and keys onto the counter and made my way out onto the back deck. I sucked in a breath as soon as I opened the doors. I could feel the animosity coming off my best friend and I was still thirty feet from him. He had his back to me as he loaded another round into clip for his Kimber. Any other time I might take the time to enjoy the sight in front of me.

Brantley's tan back faced me since I could see his t-shirt tossed to the side onto one of the chaise lounges I had picked out. Ancient pair of jeans, backwards black hat, black boots and his shades snug over his eyes. I couldn't even see his face but the hard set of his shoulders gave me an idea of how angry he was. I watched him angrily jam bullets into the clip. He must have heard my footsteps. He stopped what he was doing and hung his head.

"Mama...."he growled. "I told you I was fine. Just need to blow off some steam. Leave me alone please like I asked."

I kept walking forward and placed a hand on the middle of his back causing him to jump.

"B, what's going on?" I asked softly. He turned his head to look at me his hardened gaze softened a little.

"Steph, uh hey," he said slowly. What are you doing here?

I reached around him and took the clip to sit it down on the table he had in the middle of the deck.

"Mama had sent me after a pie plate she left over here. When you text the other day, you said you would be in Nashville. I didn't know you were home," I said looking at my feet.

"Yea, I came in last night," he said playing with the bullet that was still in his hand.

"So, it was your bike I heard pass by the house last night. Why didn't you stop?" I asked glancing up at him. Damn him and those dark glasses right now. Fucker, was leaving them on because he knew I could read him like a book if I got a look at those eyes. He shrugged and tapped the bullet on the table. He was quiet for a minute. He huffed out a sigh then spoke.

"Because Jana and I are done and I didn't want or need to hear I told you so from you."

I tugged his arm making him turn and face me. I reached up to push his glasses up on his hat so he had to really look at me. I grabbed his chin and got his attention

"B, I wouldn't do that. Are you okay?" I asked looking into his eyes. He looked down for a moment, then back up at me letting his green-eyed gaze meet mine. They were a softer green so I knew he had calmed his temper down a little. He laid a big hand on my wrist that held his face.

"Yea, I will be. It's been over with for a while. Pretty much since after the CMTs this year. Just neither of us did anything about it and kept using the excuse we were busy to not see each other," he said gruffly.

"Ah, so that's the reason for the warzone in the living room," I said giving him a crooked smile. He laughed darkly and shook his head throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"No, that my friend was because I found out this morning that she had been cheating on me with the co-star from this latest movie of hers. Explains why she hasn't slept with me in months. Headache my ass," he growled shaking his head. I saw red.

"That fucking bitch! She cheated on you! That's it call Tim, I need to borrow his plane and fly to LA," I said going to stalk off the deck. I was stopped with an iron grip on my hip.

"Leave it alone Stephanie. She's not worth it. I've figured out I wasn't really in love with her. I've known for a while I wasn't. I just kidded myself into believing I was," he said in my ear. I turned around with flashing eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You knew this and you took her side over mine on the 4th?" I growled out glaring up at him. His eyes hardened as he mirrored my stance.

"Fuck no I didn't. I stopped you from killing her Stephanie Lynn," he snapped.

"Like hell, you drug me downstairs like I was some bratty kid that needed to be put in time out. Ask Mama, Eli, or Ashley that fucking bitch pushed my buttons and she knew what she was doing!" I yelled.

I didn't even flinch when he leaned down into my face. We both were getting wound up pretty tight now.

"You were acting like a bratty kid. Hell, you did your damnedest to beat the hell out of me. I knew you two didn't like each other but damn. It was like two pit bulls over a bone with you two and I was the bone," he seethed.

"Well your dumbass brought her into all our lives to begin with. I kept the peace the best I could. That bitch did her best to cut me out. I love you jackass. Youre my best friend. That hurt B," I snapped.

"Well she's gone now isn't she. No competition for my attention other than the guys, "he growled with a heated look.

I growled back at him and raised my hand up to slap him. I was stopped mid swing when his big hand locked around my wrist. In the blink of an eye hed twisted my arm around behind my back holding it in place and glaring down at me. He leaned closer to my face as he spoke.

"Don't fucking push me today sweetheart, he grumbled. I pushed up on my tip-toes and glared back at him.

"What are you gonna do outlaw?" I challenged.

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