Flashback: Deck Building

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Stephanie's POV

I pulled up in my driveway and parked my Explorer. I grabbed the two bags I needed off the passenger seat and hopped out. Lord, it was only gonna get warmer as the day went on. Got to love Georgia humidity in June. Very thankful for the tank top and daisy dukes I had tugged on this morning when I got dressed.

I made my way around the gravel walkway that led around to my backyard. I could hear the hammering and occasional cuss word as I got closer. Last week my cousin had started building a deck for my backyard, but had been called out of town for an emergency job the other day before he could get finished.

The materials where here so I had sweettalked Kolby and Brantley into finishing it for me. All that was left as the steps and handrails. Felt a little bad about begging B since he was supposed to be having some downtime for a few weeks before he went back into the studio but I knew he couldn't sit still for long. I heard Kolby yelp as I rounded the corner into my back yard.

"Dammit to hell B! That fucking hurt! Watch where you are going with that board asshole!" Kolby yelled rubbing the side of his head.

Brantley was grinning evilly at him as he sat the board in his hand down. I rolled my eyes as I walked closer to them. Both of them had had tossed their shirts into a nearby chair since the day was getting hotter. I almost snapped a picture to post on Instagram of B in just his hat, glasses jeans, and boots with a hammer in his hand.

I know a lot of fan girls that would have a heart attack over that picture. I shook my head as I looked over at his belt and noticed the Kimber attached to it in it's holster. I swear that man and his guns.

I tossed them both a Gatorade before I sat the box of nails they had sent me after down. I pulled my shades down my nose and looked at them.

"Do I need to go back and get you each a hard hat or can you play nice boys?" I said staring them down. "Or.... I can call Mama over to visit."

They both stopped mid gulp and looked at me with wide eyes before shaking their heads no.

"Looking good boys. There anything I can do to help?"

Brantley walked over and wrapped a sweaty arm around my shoulders before dropping a kiss on my forehead.

"Nah Steph, we've got it sweetheart," he said.

"The offer for lasagna for supper still good," Kolby said giving me puppy dog eyes. I laughed and nodded.

"Yes Giant. Since when do I not feed you. "

He grinned as he swapped his drink out for his hammer and picked up the box of nails I had bought.

"Thats why youre my favorite Short Stuff!"

I laughed and made my way inside and grabbed the book I had been reading off my kitchen counter along with a glass of tea then went back out. I dropped down into a chair at the patio table I had already bought. I kicked my flip flops off and put my feet in the chair in front of me. The umbrella over the table gave me just enough shade.

I got lost in my book and rolled my eyes occasionally as I listened to those two idiots argue about how something should go every once in a while. I swear, those two would argue with a fence post sometimes if the fence post would argue back. Stubborn men.

I was so absorbed in my book that the yell, I heard was so high pitched I could have sworn my goddaughter Tinley had run into the yard, made me jump and drop my feet. It was followed by a round of gunshots that made me stand up so fast I knocked my glass of tea over onto my bare legs. I put a hand over my heart as I glanced around quickly to see if I needed to dive and take cover.

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