Flashback: Nashville 2016: Part IV

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Alright CyleeLynn you asked for it. Hope it turned out the way you wanted.....

Brantley's POV

I wrapped my arm around Stephanie's waist and kept my head down low as I hurried across the street. She kept her head buried in my shoulder as we walked. I could feel her breathing was still ragged. Ok, this thought may or may not have been turning in my head ever since Scott handed me the room key for a suite earlier tonight.

Who the hell was I kidding, I had been mentally plotting how to get her out of that dress since she walked to the front of the bus earlier. I strode across the marble floor of the lobby and grinned as I could hear those sexy ass heels click as we walked. I pushed the button for the elevator and walked in when it opened. Stephanie looked up at me with a curious look on her face as I pushed in the floor number.

"B, um don't you think we need... ."she got out before I pushed her into the side of the elevator and slammed my lips down on hers. I heard her whimper as I pulled back to bite her bottom lip softly. I lifted my head and smirked at the sight at her head thrown back and eyes closed. I slipped my arms around her waist and boosted her up to lock her legs around my waist. I brushed my lips against hers tenderly. She draped her arms around my neck to hold on.

"Nope, Scott got all of us a suite tonight in case anybody partied too hard," I muttered against her lips as she traced her nails lightly on the back of my neck making me shiver. I heard the ding as we reached our floor. I pulled her closer and turned away from the wall to walk out the doors with her wrapped around me. She turned red and looked at me.

"Put me down B, I can walk. What if someone sees us?" she whispered as I took a right out of the elevator and made my way down to our room. I gave her ass a squeeze making her gasp.

"At the moment, I don't give a fuck sweetheart," I replied giving her a grin. "And if they do I will deal with it."
Stephanie looked up at me with wide eyes then slowly nodded as I walked. I wasn't worried at the moment the lobby and the floor we were on had been deserted so far. I saw the room number and leaned her back against the wall beside the door.
"Key is in my front pocket with my cigarettes baby girl."
A sexy grin spread across her face as she shifted slightly to reach between us and pull it out. I felt my eyes roll back in my head when she palmed my hard dick through my jeans and rubbed slightly.

"That's not my pocket darlin," I growled out clenching my teeth. I swear at this rate the head of my dick was going to have a permanent zipper imprint. I narrowed my eyes as she gave me a look of fake innocence.

"Oops," she whispered as she moved her hand to reach down into my right jeans pocket. I bit my lip as she brushed against me again with a knuckle and a smirk spread across her lips. Two can play that game sweetheart I thought as she held up her hand with the plastic key card in her hand with a devious smile.

I stepped over and pushed her back into the door as I pulled the card from her fingers. My lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time as I stroked a calloused hand on her bare thigh where her dress had ridden up slightly. I pushed my hips into her making her moan in the back of her throat. I chuckled against her lips when I heard the door handle jiggle as she tried to open it. I broke the kiss and grinned down at her.

I shifted the key card and slid it in to open the door. Stephanie latched her lips onto my neck kissing and sucking softly as I walked. "Shit" I muttered as I made my way through the living room into the bedroom of the suite. I mentally thanked Scott when I saw the big ass bed. I placed my hands under her thigh and squeezed gently to get her to unlock them from my waist before lowering her back down to her feet.

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