Chapter 2

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Theo's POV-

I came for blood. I will only be satisfied when his blood is spilt, or the blood of his precious princess. The beautiful girl he parades around and makes everybody know she's his jewel. It pisses me off.

The anger I feel whenever I am anywhere near him is too strong to be described. He is a pathetic scumbag who gets pleasure from others suffering. He took away from me the one person that meant the most to me, he made me watch as the light drained from her eyes and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. 

But maybe I should thank him. I was able to become stronger, more ruthless. I had nothing holding me back anymore. Nothing for rivals to use against me to their advantage. No love no limits, am I right? But now i've got the who world at my fingertips and I'm hungry, for revenge. I wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt me. 

As the Alpha of the strongest pack in the world I have no limits, it was time to take his princess from his fucking palace. I won't rest until my mother is avenged. Blood will be split and only then will I be satisfied. 


Bella's POV 

I follow the screams until I see what's happening. We're under attack. giant wolves were biting and snaring at each other at all angles. There was so much blood. From the whines coming from the pack house i knew we were loosing, badly. Lulu perked up in the back of my mind, suddenly interested. I roll my eyes at her excitement. Ducking behind a bin i quickly strip. Taking a deep breath i let Lulu take over shifting into my beautiful silver white wolf. 

I scan the battle field. I could see my father and the beta attacking two large wolves, defending the pack house which I knew was filled with all who weren't fighting. Children, elderly and in this pack I knew for a fact there wasn't one woman who was allowed to train to fight. I stop arguing for their rights after the... knife business. My breathing become more laboured as I realise that I was tiny compared to all of these wolves. That didn't seem to stop Lulu though, she goes prowling forwards an eager fire burning through our blood. 

 Suddenly my thoughts are disturbed but a wolf attacking me from behind i quickly turn around before it can get a hold on my scruff. I leap at it my eyes burning with fire and anger filling my body. I easily took out the first guy he just kinda lay there, I smirk. I looked up from him, this was my chance to run away. There was a clear path to the forest, I could keep running and running. All the wolves in the pack are too occupied to try catch little ol' me. I could finally be free!

That's when everything went black.

When I woke up I was naked and at the back of a van. There air was cold and I let a soft shiver roll through me. I could hear voices coming from the front but I didn't dare speak, we all know how that would end. This is the moment I was going to die, a thought i've had often but I was always so uncertain. But now I knew for sure. I look over to see my dress and underwear in a lump in the corner of the van. I quickly shuffle over and put them on. I pull my legs to my chest. Rocking backwards and forwards. Trying to calm myself down. I was frightened, I mean- I've been taken, I'll probably be dead in the next 24 hours. I look around the van and there's nothing I see that will help me. wipe the tears that were making their way down my face. No I can't think like that, what would my mother say? I grab a bobby pin from my hair and shuffle it around the lock trying to get it to open. The car stops suddenly and I panic. The back doors open. 

"Well well well, look at what we have here the princess is trying to escape."
Said the guy in front of me. He was tall, around the same age as me with ash blond hair that hung over his eyes and dark brown eyes.

" Who are you and why did you take me,  I'm worthless. I've done nothing wrong!" I blurt out

" Aww I'm sorry cupcake but if you don't get you on that plane." He stops for a moment and points to a private jet plane. Were at the airport, that means a pack has come from overseas, oh shit this isn't good. I also took the time to notice that there was two other intimating guys behind him. " then we'll be dead before sun down. So sorry about that."

I jump of the van and start walking towards the plane " well that was easy." I heard one of the men say, chuckling. Obedient. Be obedient or else, my fathers voice slithered its way into my mind. No! My wolf suddenly comes out she knows what's on my mind she chuckles 

Lulu- do it.

I suddenly spin around my fist flying through the air and into the cocky ash blonde hair guys face. My fist connected with his nose and gave a satisfying crunch. I spun around trying to attack the other two guys . Scratching their faces and punching wherever I my hands felt like it: I finally got away and then I felt a sharp pain in my arm, I gasp and the world slowly faded away from me.

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