Chapter 36

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"You know Theo i have lost so much, been through so much pain. I'm just glad that something good came out of it." 

I looked up into his eyes which were a light green this morning. 

" I swear your eyes are a different colour every single day." I whisper tracing patterns on his face. He was tracing my lips. Last night after we finally got home we had shown our love fore one another. It was wild and passionate and beautiful, he was beautiful. After confessing our love for each other the sex seemed to be better. How i see him seemed to be better. Like i was stuck in an eternal love spell. 

" I swear you get more beautiful every single day." He whispered in return. I sigh happily. Who knew i could get so lucky, though after what i was put through i guess the moon godess owed me i mean come on i went through all that shit and yet i'm still waayy more optimistic than anyone i know.

" We have a Ball tonight." Theo whispered in my ear. 

" Another one?" I groan as Theo starts to kiss my Mark. 

" Yes and this time your father and sister will be attending, i will be on my best behaviour even though i hate their guts." 

" Really Theo? A ball with rouges and the Alpha kings pack. Did you not think this through?" 

"Well obviously it will just be Gabriella and Mark, i have wolfs on the coast making sure nobody but them comes." I nod and snuggle into his chest a smile on my lips. Even though i really hated my father and sister right now they were all the family i had left and i really liked how Theo was trying to get along with them.

" Alpha we have an issue." Leo's voice it came from the door. I lift my head to see Leo's worried face poking around the door. " Bella." He nods at me. I smile at him and Theo growls. 

" So what Theo am i not allowed to smile at my friends now?" As much as i love how possessive he was of me it can get super annoying

" Your Luna. So thats how he should adress you. "He hissed, his eyes started to rake my naked body again, His eyes go darker. "y

" Wasn't there an issue?" I mused. 

" It can wait." He licked his lips. 

" Um alpha it really can't there... there has been another attack. " In seconds Theo was out of Bed and dressed. I have super speed too and i still can't do that. Does he practise or something. I grunt and pull the covers over my head. 

" Bella met in my office in the Pack house in half an hour." 

" Yes darrrrling." I purred. Theo shot me a playful glare then left. 


I play with the ends of my hair, it seems to be a habbit when i become impatient. I swear i have been waiting for this lift for an hour. I wasn't allowed to use the stairs because one of the Pack members decided it was be hilarious to prank the Beta by making the stairs into an ice block. He ended up with a broken nose and a bruised rib, the prank guy not Leo. Nope Leo knew the whole time what was going on. Just sucks for the rest of us who can't use the bloody stairs any more. 

I feel a vibration coming from my pocket. My phone. It was an unknown number. I quickly answer it. 

" Hello? "

" Why hello my dear." I heard a voice purr on the other end of the line. 

" Who the hell is this!?" As soon as i say this the elevator finally decides to come. I quickly scurry inside to find chase standing in the corner. he looks up at me and scowls. I look away. 

" I'm sorry?" 

" I'm disappointed in you Bella i was hoping you would recognise the sound of your fathers voice." 

Alpha fucking richard. I pale and Chase looks over at me a worried look on his face. As if his voice was a curse the Elevator jams to a holt on the second floor fucking hell i needed to get to the third. 

" What the fuck do you want." 

" Now thats not a way to talk to your father." I growl. 

" Now all i am doing i calling to check up on you and made sure you have received my gifts." 

I snort. " What the hell do you mean by gifts?" 

" Oh you know that young boy, you hurt, now that was a proper warning i thought you had gotten it because my pack member didn't make it home. But nothing happened so iw ent the extreme." 

" What the hell do you want!?" 

" You Bella you. I know you marked and mated and blah blah blah. So i'm guessing you know about the prophecy. " 

" Of course i do." There was silence. Then there was hissing. 

" Watch your back my dear because soon all you know and love will be gone."

Then the phone call ended .

I collapsed on the floor tears flooding my face. I had nearly forgotten that Chase was in teh broken down elevator with me until he came and put an arm around me. 

" Whats wrong mi amour?" 

" So your talking to me now." My voice sounded tired and croaky. 

" I was upset Bella, one day you hate his guts and then the next your marked and mated and totally in love. It was hard for me to watch to.... listen to." I cringe. 

" Why would it hurt you so much though Chase?" 

He didn't say anything. I peered at him. He and Theo could be brothers. Chases rich brown hair matched Theo's perfectly accept he had piercing blue eyes. I sigh and lean my head and his shoulder. 

" Chase?" 

" It's just when i lost Talia it never really felt like i could love again. Then i met you. You seemed so amazing so perfect and Theo was treating you like trash so i thought i had a chance. I was hard seeing you being taken away just like Talia. " 

" Oh Chase." 

We stay like that for a while. My trying to sooth him my tears still flowing down my face as we both just think. 

" Who was on the phone that made you so upset..."

Chases question was interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening. I lift my head to see Theo's worried face. But then his eyes zero in on Chase and me and it turns very quickly from worried to anger. 

" I knew i couldn't trust you" He hissed his eyes boring into Chases. " You need to get over her you idiot. Wait is she crying? Did you hurt her!?" Theo was screaming at chase. I tried to calm him down. 

" I can't leave her alone Cousin, I'm in love with her." he shouts back. My whole body stops. This is why he's so upset? Oh god. " And i know she loves me too." He had tears in his eyes. 

" I am the only man she loves." Theo screams

" I do love you Chase..." I say softly. Theo growls. " Like  a brother you idiot. Chase was there for me when you were being a dick ward." Theo's expression calmed but he still looked grumpy as hell. I took a step towards him and looped my arm through him. " Come on Theo darling lets go to your office. " 

And we left without looking back . 

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