Chapter 29

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"Well Darling that would be the Rouge King." He said with a wicked grin. I think he thought i would be frightened. 

" Thank the bloody moon godess i thought i was gonna have to keep running!" 

He stared at me like i was insane. " You want to see the rouge King?" 

" Um yes and no. It could either be great if he is who i think he is or ill be dead by sun down. " 

The Lycan continued staring at me. 

" Um so whats your name Lycan?" I continued. Not wanting for there to be awkward silence while we were walking. 

" Arther." 

" Nice name." 

" Thanks and you are?" 

" Bella" 

he stayed quiet obviously not wanting to participate in a conversation with me. He seemed like he was in another place. I was worried he was going to bump into a tree. 

" So who's your Sodale?" 

That snapped him out of his trance. .He looked at me fury clear on his face. Woops i hit a nerve He takes step closer to me and grips my arms tight.

" Don't ever talk about my Sodale. Or i may loose control and kill you." He hissed. His spit flying into my face. I made a huge dramatic motion of wipping it off, he gave me a small smile but quickly replaced it with a glare. 

" Wanna tell me why i hit a nerve?" I mused, continuing to walk a bounce in my step

He was slient for a moment i could tell that he was hesitating. 

" She found her mate and wouldn't leave his side, not even for me." He whispered. 

Poor guy. I know how hard it is too see your mate with someone else. It really hurts. It feels like a part of you is being ripped out of you and given away. It really sucks. 

" Hey Lycan. If it makes you feel better the first day i met my mate he has sex with another she wolf and after i killed her he decided to get a chosen Luna instead of me. But instead of marking her at him marking ceremony he marked me." 

" You know i just told you my name." 

" Thats really all you got out of that. I was trying to make you feel better." 

" Geez sorry whose your mate?" 

" Alpha Theo." 

He halted and i groaned. Whats with all this stopping we must of walked only one kilometre in the last hour. 


" Fuck yea." 

He gave me the i hate you more than i already did look. I gave him a huge smile and linked my arm with his. 

" i can tell were gonna be great friends." 

he snorted. " I doubt your alpha would alow it." 

" Geez Lyca, i would never let that happen. Don't you trust me?" 

He laughs shaking him head. I grin. Happy i was able to pull him out of his grouchy mood. 

Bella! I can sence anotehr male near you. Please don't do anything youll regret. 

I swore under my breath. 

" What?" Arthur asks 

" Theo, he knows i'm with another male." I roll my eyes 

Theo i'm yours not anyone else's plus this Lycan isn't gonna do anything to me. He's still mourning his lost mate.


Theo calm down, He's taking me to the rouge king, he's perfectly fine. He hasn't killed me yet and we have been walking for about an hour


I didn't answer him. Lulu whimpered. The mate bond was making it difficult to not run back home  and complete the mating process on the spot. He's so sexy and his Body god i just wanna....

Theo growled through the mind link 

Thats right Bella come home, i miss you too and i would love to complete the mate bond angle

Crap i left the mind link open. I quickly close it. Great now my thoughts are private again. Fucking hell i miss him. So so much. I miss him more than ill miss my next breath. Two more days. Thats how long ill stay away. I guess i'm punishing him for treating me like crap. But what sucks is that i seem to be hurting myself in the process. Crap nuggets. 

"Annnd were here..." I can hear Arthur talking to me in the distance but i'm not really paying attention to him or anything. I'm wrapped up in my own thoughts. I feel Arthur grab my hand and pull me through corridors and corridors. Finally we reach where ever we are meant to be going. I pray that its not another dungeon. When i pull myself from my thoughts i see a huge door. It has amazing gold details on it. I stood there in aw of it before Arthur pulls me through it. We come into what looks like a throne room in the middle i see a man who has masses of power rolling off him in strong, powerful waves. I hold my head up high knowing i won't hold enough power until i complete the mating process but still not wanting to bow down to anyone. 

"Your highness" Arthur adressed the man sitting in the throne. I avoided him looking everywhere but where the man is perched on the throne. Arthur starts to bow and tries to pull me down so i'm bowing with him. But i refuse. I still don't look at him. 

" And who is this?: A deep voice says boredom laced into his voice. 

I take this moment to look at him. Instantly i recognise his fetchers. The kings face relaxes and his eyes open in surprise and relief. I keep my face neutral thinking of all the time i waiting in that clearing for him and he never came. I came for information and thats all. 

" Hello father." 

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