Chapter 10

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Theo's POV

It has been a week since i left Bella. Its been a week. I sat in our room and developed a plan. It was one that my wolf hated me for. I was going to break her heart. I needed to protect her. From me and my devils. The best way I thought of doing that is getting a chosen mate. But like I said I haven't seen her in a week. I kinda expected her to storm in my office and yell and scream at me. I had let the whole pack know that i was getting a chosen Luna. More questioned me because of the ball and how possessive i was of Bella. I punish them, I am after all the Alpha and I won't stand for such disrespect.

She must of heard some of the whispers though because she started to distance herself from me. She even shut me outside and made me sleep next door in the guest bedroom last night.

Now i'm sitting in the room I slept in last night. Waiting. Leo was searching all over the country for somebody who he feels will be the perfect luna for my pack. He also stared bullets at me before he left and asked me a billion time whether i knew i was doing the right thing. I told him yes even though i had my doubts.

Jax- Don't do this Theo

Me- I have to Jax, i'm not good enough for her

Jax- So you would be willing to let her move on? Move on with another male?

I growled at that. No other male can lay a finger on her, ill make sure of that.

Jax- So you get to be with someone else but she doesn't

Me- No never

Jax- Your a selfish barstad.

Me- Don't talk to me like that, EVER.

I ignored him as he continued to curse at me and beg me to call off the search for a luna. My phone suddenly beeped and i picked it up curious.

Leo- Found somebody Theo. She's perfect for the position.

I texted him back - Great bring her back here ASAP

I flung my phone down on my bed. Great now thats sorted its time to go to my office. It was midday and I actually have no idea why i'm still in this room.

Jax- Yes you do.

My wolf snapped at me. Ok so maybe i was hoping that Bella would come in here and grace me with her precence but she doesn't want to talk to me so I better get to work. I get out of my Pj bottoms and put on my suit. Sighing I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some food. But when I turn the corner I see my mate.

She looked absolutely beautiful with her hair in two buns onto of her head and she was wearing a light blue crop top that came off her shoulders with tiny navy blue ripped shorts, showing off her built stomach and elegant shoulders, arms and legs. Before I turned the corner I could hear her laughter. It made me smile only when I turned the corner it disappeared because I saw who she was laughing with. Chase my fucking cousin. They were cooking together and he was full on flirting with her and the worst part is that they actually looked like a real couple. I really hate his guts right now. I try not to show any effect but seeing them together made Jax super angry I could feel him gaining control letting off a soft growl. Bella turned around and her laughter faded. She threw down the whisk she was using and gave me a full on glare before exiting the room. Chase stood there a look of anger on his face.

"Your a shit person and a crap mate. " He said calmly.

"Your the one trying to take her away from me." He laughed at that

"Oh no cousin you are the one who keeps pushing her away. She isn't yours any more your getting a chosen mate remember? Or has that fled your mind? You know what I thought I taught you something about mates after i lost Talia but i guess i didn't"

"She's mine and despit the fact that she won't be Luna or bearing my pups doesn't not give the right for any other male to touch her. She's MINE." I shouted

"Your sick. She's not an object she's a person. You lost the right to tell me not to want her when you decided to ignore her feelings and choose someone else." He leaned in closer. " She came running to me cousin, when you decided to throw her away like she was some toy. You don't own her and I know for a fact if you kill me she'll hate you forever. Now I have to go and see if MY Bella is alright." he whispered then with a smirk he was gone.

Jax was livid

But i wouldn't let him take control. I needed him to stop acting like a child and let us do what is best for our mate.

Let her go.

Bella's POV

I hate Theo. So much. I spent the rest of the day after he growled at seeing me and Chase together crying into Chase's chest or watching Netflix and eating ice cream... with Chase. He's being a really great friend right now not that he has much compition, but i'm grateful.

As for Theo. He growled at me and Chase like he owns me. When he is getting ready to mate with somebody who isn't me, yea i've heard the gossip. The first time I heard I didn't want to believe it.

I had just returned from my overnight run away, I entered the pack... well lets call it a town because thats kinda what it is. It has little shops and the huge pack house and then Theo's house not too far away. It was super cute. I was walking towards Theo's house when Maria who was Sam's mate, one of Theo's friends pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh Bella honey i'm so sorry." She said. I was super confused. I had gotten to know Maria at the Ball before Theo barged in, I knew straight away we were going to be great friends, she was one of the only people who knew i was Theo's mate. " Theo doesn't deserve you honey. I can't believe he could be such a dick towards you, he really wanted to find his mate to avoid this happening." She continued. Ok now i'm super confused " What's happening Maria, i'm confused." She just continued to hug me. " Maria...." I growled " Whats going on?" She sighed at let me loose only enough so she could see my face." Yesterday after the ball Theo sent Leo the Beta out on a mission to find a Luna for the pack." My face went white. " That can't be possible... We- we settled out differences last night... He wouldn't get a chosen mate... Not- not when he has me" I was nearly in tears. I didn't want to believe her. I wanted to believe that Theo wouldn't do that to me, he knew I didn't just want to be luna, he knew I wanted love as well but he couldn't take that right away... Wait that would mean that he would mark her... Our bond would be broken.

I would loose my mate. I never in one million years thought this would happen, no matter how much I hated Theo and he hated me I always thought that we would somehow figure it out and that we would live happily ever after.

But if there is one thing Theo taught me-

There is no happily ever after.

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