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This is the beginning of chapter one of The queen of stars: ENJOY!!

The world is such a big place for something so small. I have always been small, alway been considered to be like glass, easily broken. I use to think thats why my parents never use to let my leave the house alone. Five years old. So young so ignorant i was, but i was smart. I read books, advanced books for my age and i listen to the myths and legends... prophecy's. Like i said I was Five years old when i first broke a rule, my parents biggest rule. Never leave the house alone.

I could say i was curious, sure i was but it was something more. A pull perhaps. I never really knew what it was. But i still went further and further into the woods. The woods are a dangerous place my mother always use to say. There are things lurking in the woods, monsters.

But i've never been scared of monsters. I have always knew Monsters were things human parents tell their kids so that they can gain control of the situation, by using their fear to their advantage. How stupid those kids are. They live in this fantasy world. I live in the real world. A world filled with things that would kill a child from fright.

So like the stupid five year old i was i kept going further and further into the woods. Each second was filled with new smells, the beautiful sights that i had only seen from a distance but are now right in front of me and the touch, the feel of the leaves crunching under my feet. I felt happy that i wasn't imprisoned in my home anymore but instead about to breath in the fresh air.

I reached a small lake with a waterfall. It was beautiful the sound of the rushing water filled my airs and i slipped off my sneaker to feel the cold refreshing water. It was at that moment it saw him. At first sight i thought he was god.. My mouth dropped open and i stared at the glorious creature in front of me. He was staring at me, strangely with a Love i had only seen on my Parents faces. I felt this pull where my heart was, towards him. I took a step towards him as did he. He was older than me by a lot. He looked like a teenager or even a young adult. He looked perfect.

" 500 years it took me. To find you and when i finally do i find that your a child." He muttered. I stare at him curiously. Most would be confused. But i get curious a hell of a lot more than i get confused. I always know whats going on. The Man picked me up bridal style and all i could do was stare at him a smile playing on my lips. This stranger didn't make me scared or uncomfortable at all but safe.

" Whats your name Mi amour?" He whispered into my air. His breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine. I could tell from his accent that he wasn't from around here.

" Stella." I managed to get out.

" Stella, my star." He flashed me a quick smile and gave the place between my shoulder and neck a kiss. I was shocked at the tingly feel it left on my skin.

" Until we meet again my star." He grabbed a necklace from his pocket and placed it around my neck. I nod wanting to ask the strange man a question but he was gone as quickly as he came.

I sat down on the rock only seconds later to have my parents find me. They were speaking a million miles an hour something about being worried but i wasn't listening i was thinking about the beautiful strange man i and just encountered and was wondering if i would ever see him again.

I twirled the necklace around my finger.

Little did i know that that day changed my life, forever. 



Even i'm excited and i know whats gonna happen. 


Hope you enjoyed i'll have Queen of stars up soon xx

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