Chapter 17

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"So your telling me that you know more about my mate than i do?"

"It's not like you've taken the time to get to know her. Plus its part of her, her story of course as her friend i wanted to know, so she told me. "

I stared into the distance.

"She had high hopes for you, you know. You treated her the total opposite of what she wanted and expected you to. She knows so much about mates... Well she knows all the good things. She expected those things of you, Again didn't happen...." 

"I'm sorry ok!" I interrupted " I thought i was doing the right thing! I...I thought i could dave her from me." I cried " But instead i ended up ruining myself. Jax won't even talk to me. He hates how much ive hurt her." My eyes glissend with tears. I thought sam was going to say something but when he didn't i continued. " When 'm with Bella i don't want to be that Scary Alpha. I don't want her to be araid of me. Around her i want to be a better person. I want to be the old me. The one before my parents died."

"Gosh Theo you've fucked up pretty bad."

"I know... But i still want her. No matter how hard i try to deny it. I want to be around her, protect her love her till death do us part." I whisper " When i'm with Bella i feel that constent spark between us. I love the smell of her sent oh my gosh i will never get tired of smelling it... and when we kiss... its unreal, its unlike anything i have ever experience. " 


"Uh yea it was to... um stop her from rejecting me the first time." 


"Uh... yea." 

Sam's eyes were wide and he was staring at me. It was kinda creepy. After he went out of shock he grabbed his phone and dialed a number. I was just standing there staring at him like he was a lunitic. 


I heard a voice on the other end and i motioned for sam to put it on speaker. 

"What is it Honey? Is everything alright? " Said Maria.


There was silence. Then screaming. 

"Ok first what is Thella? Second why are you guys so happy?" I asked grumpily. I really wasnt in the mood for Maria and Sam's girly gossip sessions.

"Thella is you and Bella's ship name DUH!" Maria said very a matter a factly over the phone. 

"And me and Maria have been rooting for you guys since we found out you were mates i mean come on your chemistry is so powerful i could see it even if i was blind. " Said Sam


I rolled my eyes. " I don't have time for this. Its late and my idiotic cousin is coming back tomorrow. I have stuff to do." 

and with that i walked out of the tiny closet. 

I got outside and i have to say it felt nice, the wind on my face and in my hair. I have always felt handsome i mean come on girls practically throw themselves at me. 

I Have bright green eyes and tanned skin with Dark brown hair. I try and go to the gym everyday and i train nearly every single day, with all the working out and training i'm super built. I have a kind gentle face but it can very easily go hard and cold. I'm not someone you want to mess with and the whole world knows that. Well everyone but Bella. She pushes my buttons more than people would dare do with me and for some reason instead of making me angry she makes me fall for her a little more. 

After my mother and father died, i practically raised myself. I didn't let anyone else into my heart, i swore not to. So i didn't i become ruthless. But there was only one person who could ever sneak her way into my heart... Bella. My Bella.

"Moon godess, i know i have done wrong but i need Bella so much. I made a crap mistake. I'm sorry i didn't love and protect the one you gave me but i just need one more chance. Please and i swear I'll love and protect her till the day i die." I prayed sucking in a deep breath. 

"And thats a promise."  


The girl was sitting on her bed her eyes stiff from the tears of her sister. She didn't know where she was. She left and the girl didn't know if she was coming back. The girl didn't think her life could get any worse when she heard shouting downstairs. Something was wring the girl could feel it. It wasn't her parents yelling she could tell, her parents were mates. Hesitantly the young girl walked down the stairs. She peeked her head around the door to the living room to see a man who she hadn't seen before holding a knife to her mothers throat while her father stood on the other side of the room looking defenceless. She took one look at her mother and really wanted to save her, but she took one look at her father and knew she shouldn't be here. She was about to turn around and escape when... " Ahh, who do we have here. A young girl? , Why don't you join us?"  She freezes.  "Now now, don't even think about running or a bullet goes through your mothers head."  She was only five. She was young but She was also smart. She was brave. She turned her head held high but tears streaming down her small pretty face. The man turned to my father. " Now i will be taking your wife and Bella with me. You will never see them again and if you ever come near them ill put a bullet through your wife's head. " The girl was frightened. All that she had ever known was being taken from her. The man graciously gave them five minutes to say their goodbyes. With that he left the room. 

Her mother turned to her father. " I love you more than life its self Mark. Thats why i'm rejecting you as my mate and your going to accept it. Because when i die. I need you to look for her. To look after my babies. I love you so so much. Your my everything along with the girls. So i Amber Summer reject you Mark Summer as my mate." She whispered. 

"I Mark summer accept your rejection." He cried out. 

They ran to each other and hugged. "Your my world Amber and i promise that i will always make sure you and the kids are safe. "

"First day of every month. We will find each other, i promise." 

The young girl ran to her parents and joint in her hug. Soon after the girl and her mother were ripped away from the hug. They were drugged and brought far away. That was the end of her fairytale. The young girl, was never the same again.

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