Chapter 44

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I whispered through the mate bond there was no answer but judging from the sudden burst of happiness i'm guessing he can hear me.

Theo! Please tell me what's going on!? Where are you! Are you hurt?

I was in panick mode i knew he knew how worried i was but the only responce i got was silence. 


I screamed through the mate link. Tears were flowling down my face and i grab the bed sheets fisting them and pushing my face into it crying. I whimper a huge pain in my heart, his side of the bond was weak and in pain, i didn't know what to do. I had to find him now. For two weeks now we had been gathering all the information possible but the spy seems to be extreamly well hidden. I'm starting to show so have been wearing extreamly loose and flowy tops to prevent anybody from asking questions. My wolf has been extreamly worried about our Pup always telling me off for doing the simplist things that she thoinks may cause it harm. It was ridiculous things like taking the stairs instead of teh elervator or having six hours sleep instead of eight.

Lulu- Well I'm just being helpful, do you really want our first Pup to die? 

Lulu growls. I just shake my head my mood lightening slightly. 

I can't just go to america  willy nilly because my step father will find me and take me again. I needed the spy if that person was working for my father then perhaps i'll be able to get in and out with out getting caught. So that's my first mission to find out who was doing this how ever long it takes. If i wanted to resucue the man i love i had to do it without killing our Pup. 

I wipe the tears away from my swollen face my breaths shaky. Something was really wrong with Theo he couldn't communicated with me i could tell. 

I get up and get dressed my mind off somewhere else completly. Without Theo here i havn't been sleeping very well or doing anything very well at all i need to get to him as fast as i can because i fell lost, uncomplete and i know he is feeling it to. I don't like knowing he's in pain it makes me upset. 

"Bella?"  I tunr towards the voice,

" Chase whats wrong?" Then i felt it. Distress it was all over the pack link making my luna senses go wild.... another attack. It had been months from the last one. I was hoping that whoever it was knew we were on their trail and stop. But its just getting worse. Who ever is doing this is either someone i trust or knows the pack well. I quickly follow chase i could feel his unsettlement, panic, fear and anger. It must be towards who ever is pulling this stunt.... 

I got to the scene and growled loudly make the large group of frightened people quickly scamper out of my way. The murder its self was incredibly thought out, our little spy seems to be smarter than we thought. Greta a lovely young lady from the pack was there laying on the ground not a spot of blood in sight except for the blood coming out of her ears .She almost looked like she was sleeping. But i could feel the magic around her i chuckled ah our little spy tripped up. Since i am what i am i could see a faint ripple of magic flowing off her. This Witch is either not very experienced or weak. But considering unless your a white witch or a royal witch you are usually weak and stupid and oh so nieve. I have hardly lived and i know more about witches than this person. The first thing a witch always learns is to cover their tracks so that people like me don't sniff them out. So i'm guess either this Witch was untrained or has memory issues. 

I go over to Greta and grasp her hand hoping and praying to get something from her. As well as trying to catch spies i have also been growing and expanding my powers i found the other day that i can gather a memory when i touch someone. Or a strong emotion. When i touched Greta i felt coldness and a dark figure i felt her recognition then hatred... then she was gone. I let go of the young woman hand. I don't get a face... But were getting closer. Who ever did this is a witch i may just need to talk to Grace. 

I lifted my head a tear falling from my face for the loss of one of my pack members. 

" Greta will have a proper burial, the ceremony will be in one week i expect everyone to attend." I shout to the quivering crowd. I bow their head in submission. I walk over to a Man who was sobbing loudly over by a pahutikowa tree. 

" Sir? Is everything alright." He looks up his eyes were blood shot tears kept spilling out of his eyes he sniffled trying to stop the tears flowing. 

" I'm sorry Luna." He bearded his neck a sign of respect.

" Was Greta your mate sir?" I whisper. He nodded his head vigouriously his sobs getting louder. He was clutching his heart screaming out to his lost mate. I pulled him into a hug doing my best to try comfort him. Then a very small growl appeared in my mind. 


" Luna i'm sorry but i can't take it, i need to leave here. Everywhere i turn i see her please let me leave." His eyes were pleading me.

" Head up north hopefully someone will lead you to the rouge king, Someone there should be able to help you in whatever you want to do." I encourage with a small smile, my voice was low and soft trying not to frightened his pain filled features. He nodded. 

" Thank you luna." He whispered choking  bit on his sob. Nobody deserved for their mate to be taken away from them, i don't know what i would do if Theo died... Oh Theo. Now i felt like crying. 

" Yo te libero de este paquete y el bono que compartimos, ir ahora sin dudarlo o sufrimiento." I whisper, my eyes closed. 

I felt a small string detach in the pack links web. There was an aching feeling in my heart but my wolf was silent, how odd. She always has something to say. I can't help wondering if its because of Theo and how far away we are from each other, or the pain that he's going through. When my father beat me to the point where i was barely alive i couldn't hear Lulu in my head, i would always be afraid that she was hurt and wasn't coming back or worse, she died. I could hear Lulu whimpering in my mind. 

Lulu- Jax is weak i was able to talk to him for a while but eventually he couldn't reply due to the pain and his weakened state.

I whimpered inside my mind tears flowing. I look back to the pack house and the square filled with my people, my community. I had to get their Alpha back, I had to get my mate back, i was getting closer and closer and closer. With each passing day. 

There is just one person i have to see.

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