Chapter 19

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Bella's POV

I wiped away the tears. Did he really think i didn't know he had been sneaking into my room at night i mean come on his sent is all over my room, not that i'm complaining. Despite the fact i rejected him as my mate i'm still addicted to his sent. Is so... Intoxicating. It has all my favourite smells. And he's still as gorgeous as ever.. NO BELLA! Stop thinking about him. I lecture myself. All Theo ever does is hurt me and yet i'm still falling head over heads in love with him. I pace the room. Lulu was yapping at the back of my mind wanting to be let out for a run. She wanted to train today and i agreed i couldn't wait for Chase to come home this afternoon. Since i have nothing else to do today i guess training is top priority. I quickly shower and get dressed into a sports bra and Nike pros with a loose singlet over top. 

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen grabbing a protien bar before heading out towards the pack house. I wanted to see if Leo or Jack wanted to train with me. I was just admiring the beautiful day when i heard screaming. Frightened i sprinted towards the sound. It was a child, they were hurt... Rouges. 

I Quickly got to the child only to see there was a group of them standing to the side frightened then there was Poppy dressed in what i would considered a singlet she tried to make look like a dress. She had way to much make up on and super high heels and were screaming tears flowing shouting out for Theo, while a child was being used as a chew toy by a rouge. But it wasn't a rouge. 

I quickly sifted into my wolf and lulu used all her power to save the child. We fought a bit but then, She grabbed the wolfs leg taking a huge chunk out of it, the wolf collapsed and Lulu dragged him to a tree and the wolf stayed still, unable to move from Blood loss. Lulu trotted behind the tree and shifted back into our human form. We grabbed the sports bra nike pros and white t- shirt out from the tree and quickly changed into them. I had recently gotten the pack to place heaps of mens, woman's and children's clothing of all sizes out in holes in the trees. They were mainly hidden by the roots and were easy to access. I walked out from behind the tree. A group had followed me to the screams and was now staring at me in shock. They glared at me though instead of praising me for saving a bunch of their packs children. Gosh wheres my praise I turn and see Theo running to the scene i mentally role my eyes. Then the shouting began

"That was our Luna's job." Said one guy

"Are you trying to take over the Luna's role?" Shouted another

"What kind of person would do that? " 

" Did she hurt the luna?" 

"What a jealous Bitch."

I growled my wolf demanded respect not just because i was the true Luna of this Pack but also because.... Wait is there meant to be another reason?

"SILENCE!" I screamed authority clear in my voice. Lulu was angry she wanted respect she was tired of Poppy and the pack members respect her even though she had done NOTHINg to earn it. 

"YOUR DEAR LUNA POPPY ISN'T YOUR ALPHAS TRUE MATE." I bellowed. I left some silence for dramatic effect. Everyone was staring at me shocked. 

"I am. So i guess i could challenge her for her title." I said calmly turn towards Poppy who was clinging to Theo and was glaring at me. She was parctically dry humping his leg at the same time though. I continued not wanting to look at those two any more. 

" But it would be too easy. Plus Theo has treated me with such disrespect i mean really you all remember the ball right? Well i met him a week or so befor ethat we had been fighting but that night cleared the air. I go out on a run that night and return the next morning only to hear that he would be getting a CHOSEN mate." I glare at Theo. He had guilt all over his face. 

The shouting starts again but this time its directed at Theo 


"Our pack won't be at its best now alpha!" 

"How could you?" 

"ENOUGH" Screamed Theo in his alpha voice. 

"Bella may be my true mate but Poppy is my mate now and i will be marking and mating with her and still will be your Luna, that is final." Poppy smiled in satisfaction.

"But Alpha, Luna Bella would be a way better Luna than Her." One of the kids at the scene said, her name is Eliza. 

" I don't know who you are Kid. But you don't know anything. Im a great Luna i mean look at all i've done for you pathetic girl." She hissed at the girl. The crowd grew angry

"You've done Nothing." Eliza hissed back. 

Ok i really liked Eliza. Poppy stomped off in fury and i turned and hugged Eliza. I help all the kids train sometimes in the mornings and Eliza is one of the best fighters. 

"Thanks Eliza." I whisper in her ear.

" No thank you Luna. Do me a favour and reclaim your title? " She replies. I smile slightly. 

My wolf wanted respect and it looks like she got it. 


Hello Lovely readers!

We have over 100 Views! OMG i know its not a lot but WOW.


Ok now for the serious stuff

Does anyone have any questions regarding what you already know? I know my writing is confusing but i'm trying my best. 

I will try answer them as best i can without revealing any spoilers ;-)

Do you guys ship?

Theo and Bella? 


Chase and Bella? 

Speaking of Chase 


Love y'all


Semstar_242 xx

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