Chapter 40

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It been two weeks since that night and i think i'm ill but i won't let Theo take me to the doctors. He's stressed out we've been having more and more attacks but no more signs she that he's behind it or his whereabouts most of them kill themselves before they get compelled to give us information. It making Theo worry how Alpha Richard is actually accessing all this information he thinks we have a spy among us. Lulu doesn't like nor want to believe that her trust as a leader would be betrayed like that. Lets just say Theo is also on edge because i'm keeping contact to a minimum, because i really don't wang him to catch whatever i have had. Notice the have? Well lets just say after some absolutely stunning crepe's which i have been craving for days upon end i finally feel back to my normal self. In fact i feel so good that this very second i'm practising my gymnastics on the floor. I have always been extremely flexible and with my wolf speed i have been able to do a wide range of fighting tricks that nobody else can. But i need to stretch a lot, thats the human part of me. I roll my eyes and press down into my split more. 

" Well someone's feeling better." I turn to see my handsome mate leading against the doorway of our room. "Does that mean we can eliminate this no kissing/ no sex/ limited amount of touching rule?" 

"Mhmm sure whatever you want babe right now i need you to help me." I beckoned him over. 

" Now just grab my waist and make sure i don't fall." 

" I would never let you fall angle you should know that." He whispers. I smile a genuine smile at him. With everyday my trust in him increases and i seem to be falling deeper and deeper in love with him that soon i won't be able to breath. 

He positions his hands on my waist carefully and i slowly bring my foot up for that its in a standing split position. After holding it for a while i slowly bring it down being aware of me and Theo's raggard breathing an the string sparks that are flying through me making my waist tingle. 

" I never knew you were a dancer." He whispered curiosity filling his voice. 

" I'm not really, i've always loved dance but i never got lessons so i never really tend to do it, also i love gymnastics more, i've always been flexible." 

" If i knew that then we could make our nights a lot more interesting." He smirked and i hit him on the arm but was laughing. I stop suddenly when i realise he was gazing at me.

" Your so beautiful." He breathed " And your mine. How did i get so lucky?" 

" I sometimes wonder that myself." 

We stand there for a moment just in silence breathing i each others sent and drinking in each others features memorised. I then hear a shuffling in the doorway i turn to see Leo who looked drained of energy.

" Alpha, Luna i'm sorry but there has been another attack." 


" How the hell is your step father doing this?" Theo snapped. 

We were in his office discussing what we should do about this problem. 

" He's always been very cunning. Very knowledgeable he knows things before we even know them ourselves. Always two steps ahead even though he seems two steps behind." I mutter. 

" How the hell are we going to sort him out then?" Leo argued. 

' I don't know Leo. I did spend the whole twelve years i was licked up in his house studying him i was trying to escape him." I push back. " But i think your right Theo, someone's watching us. I can feel it in my gut. " It was true every time i have been out i can always feel eyes on me. At first i ignored it but now its getting harder and harder ti ignore. 

" I want a full search done of the packs perimeter right now Leo." 

" Alpha its 10 o'clock at night!" 

" I don't give a Fuck Leo because my Mate and my pack are in danger so right now you and some warriors do your fucking job or you'll become rouge." Tho hissed his eyes going Pitch black. Leo flinched away scared but i walked to Theo stroking his arm trying to calm him. How on earth did his pack deal with him before i got here? Leo left which left me and Theo alone. 

" Do you really think that this wolf didn't just commit suicide?" He mumbled rubbing his eyes. 

" Theo i know my Step father he knows were onto him so he' s trying to make it harder and harder for us to believe its him and how he's doing it." 

" I need to go to America." Theo whispered after some silence. 

" Why?" 

" Because i need to confront your Step father. Also i have a plan." 

" Oh really?"

" Yes i'm going to over throw him as Alpha, the harm will be eliminated." I sigh. 

" Do you really need to go?" I whisper wrapping my arms around him. 

" I'll only be gone for a few day and after that the threat will be gone and we can go on living our normal everyday lives." The thought of him leaving spiked something in me and i broke down. 

" You can't leave me Theo you just can't. Everyone always leaves me." I cry tears flowing down my face as i sob. Theo was taken back. " Theo please don't leave em i thought you loved me." I continue balling my eyes out, it was strange i felt so... out of place. Theo rubbed circles around my back trying to soothe me talking to me in his low sexy voice. 

" Angle i will only be gone for two day's , possibly three or four at very most. I love you so much and the last thing i want to do is leave you right now baby but this has to be done sooner rather than later. Plus i'll bring you a present." I instantly stopped crying at the mention of a present. 

" What is it?" I asked enthusiasm clear in my voice.

" Well if i didn't tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise gift." I pout playfully at him. 

He laughs and i join in glad that all the misery had left the room. Sadly i spoke to soon. Seconds later i felt a sick to the stomach and i started to feel violently i'll. I quickly collapsed to the floor my breaths coming out in short wheezes. All my food from earlier comes pouring out. 

Within seconds ofter that i fainted. 



" So Doc whats the issue?" I chirp sipping on my orange juice. I was sitting up in the hospital bed my eyes a lively bright colour, they were dancing with fire. After I fainted Theo brought me to the pack doctor and waited with me until i woke up then he had to leave to pack for his trip. 

" Uh Luna i really don't think i should be saying this without Alpha present." She hesitates. 

" Oh come on i'll just tell him later plus it will be like days if we wait for him... Just tell me." I groan

" Um well Luna... Your pregnant." 

Well Shit. 


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