Chapter 21

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Bella's POV

"Jax...." I whisper

Slowly Jax turned Theo's head. 

I reach out and grab him pulling him away from Chase. I look over to see if he was ok. He looked up at me in appreciation while he lay slumped on the ground rubbing his neck. 

I turn my attention back to Jax who was looking at me with his Pitch black eyes. 

"Jax... Please bring Theo back." I whisper rubbing my nose across his chest. breathing in his sent. It calmed me. I felt like all the stress and confusion i had been feeling towards Theo's actions fading away. This just felt right. Jax started stroking my hair and starts to wander his fingers down to my face caressing it. He trails it down my neck and draws circles around the area where he's meant to mark me. 

"Bella, Theo hurt you. He keeps me away from the one i love and its not fair. I'm not letting him back. Not now. Not ever." I took a deep breath. Lulu was trying to gain control. She hates being away from her mate even if he hurt us and since Jax was in charge she apparently wanted to be too. Great. 

I sigh. and tap my shoulder giving Jax permission to take in my sent. I knew he was angry and hopefully it would calm him down. He takes the opportunity immediately lowering his head and breathing in my sent deeply. 

"You smell so good Aroha." He mumbles


"It means love in Te reo Maori." 

I slowly feel Jax relax but he hasn't let Theo back. I sigh. God he's as stubborn as Theo. 

I was about to persuade Jax to let Theo back when i heard my name followed by cursing. 

"Bella! You FUCKING BITCH. YOU SLUT! HAVE DARE YOU STEAL MY MAN!" Poppy screamed. Her make up was smudged and her clothing which i wouldn't really call clothing was out of place. Her lips were swollen indicating she had just been making out with somebody. Somebody that isn't Theo. Theo... Or should i say Jax turns around and Glares at Poppy she gulps and stares into his Pitch black eyes. 

"Poppy meet Jax. " I said in a sickly sweet tone. 

Jax growled "HOW DARE YOU INTERUPT." He growled. "I Told Theo millions of times not to find a chosen Luna definitely not YOU. OUR MATE WOULD BE WAY BETTER THAN YOU EVER WOULD. YOU are a slut and you hold no Luna qualities what so ever. I HATE YOU. I would kill you if i could. If Theo goes through with this mating ceremony he will loose Me forever i will make sure of it..." 

This was way too fun to watch. Jax is yelling at Poppy all these terrible things about her and feel like laughing. But i really do need to get Theo back. I like Jax way better than Theo. I open my mind link so that i know Jax and Theo can hear it in the middle of Jax's Lecture. Poppy looks like crying or peeing herself. 

I grab Jax's Muscular Arm and pull on it but he doesn't budge. I close my eyes for a second and moan in pleasure. Feeling his skin on mine and feeling the electric sparks between us is like pure heaven. I think Jax feel it too because he ends in lecture and sighs happily. But hes still glaring at Poppy. By the moon Godess if looks could kill. There was a deadly silence in the air. I need to get Theo back before Jax does kill someone.  I turn to Chase who is now leaning against the car his jaw clenched. I mouth a what do i do to him and he shrugs his shoulders and looks away in pain. God whats going through his mind. I shake it off my mind telling myself ill think about it later. I focas back on Jax and Theo. 

 I'm about to unravel my arm when Jax pulls my in front of him and crashes his lips to mine. I moan and my lips tingle. Our lips start to move together sparks flying between us. There was nothing sweet about this we were battling each other. Jax Moved his hands around my waist and pulled me even closer to him if that was even possible. Oh my Moon Godess. I seriously think my heart is gonna burst. All i'm feeling is pure pleasure. Jax staring to kiss down my neck and i moan. Its only when he kissed the marking place, that i pushed him off me. 

"NO Jax. Bring Theo back to me NOW. " I growl at him. His beautiful face frowned 



" You wouldn't..." He whimpers. 

"Don't test me Jax. I love YOU but I need Theo back." I highlight the you. 

He growls lowly and then his eyes glass over telling me he's using the pack link. I just stare at the perfection before me completely un aware that we had an audience. 

But really the people of this pack HATE Their so called Luna now. They all look at Poppy with distaste. Apparently news spreads fast in this pack. 

Jax eyes un glass but he keeps staring straight ahead. I think he's talking to Theo but i don't really know when it comes to my Mate. 

Slowly His Pitch black eyes fade away and Those amazing green eyes appear again. That was my cue to depart. 

I turn and walk back to Chase a give him a small smile. He was still leaning against the car a frown imbedded on his face. 

"You need help with your bags." 

He looks at me anger all over his face. 

"Oh so now i exist!" 

"Chase...." I warned " Lets talk about this inside. " 

He grumbles and tosses me some of his bags and grabs his huge bag and storms towards the house. Sighing i follow him. I go up to his room and drop the bags in the middle. 

"Your sent in here is strong...." He mumbles. 

"Yea, thats because ive been sleeping in here." 

He was silent i thought i saw him smile. 

"What did Theo kick you out of your room." 

I hesitate. " Not really... He just um well.." Chase gave me a spit it out look. " Well i would sleep in here every night because it made me feel closer to you. When we talked on the phone and your sent surrounded me it made me feel like you were here with me." I looked at my feet. " But uh Theo ended up sleeping in my room when i was sleeping in here... I-I don't really know why..." 

"Theo has been treating you like Shit Bella and then you let him kiss you." 

"Ok so were changing topics... Look Chase, Thats wasn't Theo, it was Jax and well you know what its like being round your mate. Its hard to stay away. I know hes hurt me and thats not something im gonna just ignore but it was his wolf. Me and Lulu love his wolf and we thought Jax was gone for good. I'm actully kind of glad you kissed me otherwise who knew if he would of resurfaced." I rambled. 

He sniffled. 

"get out." 

"What but Chase!" 

"Look Bella i'm tired i just want to be alone can you please leave..." 

"Alright then, i thought after being so long that you would spare one of your best friends for a minute or two but i guess i'll just see you at dinner." 

and with that i turned and walked out of the room. 

And to think i had missed him and he comes home and practically ignores me. 

Thanks Chase thanks. 

Why Moon Godess, why is this my fate? 

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