Chapter 15

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Bella's POV

This week has been hell. Despite how much in love Lulu is with Theo and Jax she has also grown quite attached to Chase. She no longer argues with me every time i talk to him. I think she's enjoying someone paying love and attention to us for a change. As for when we talk to Theo all she is is silent. I don't touch him and i avoid his eye contact because i know our bonds growing and i know i need to break it soon because other wise i'll end up withering in pain or worse dying. 

I dried my hands looking out the window. I had been avoiding Theo and Poppy but i still see them everywhere its like Theo is finding a way to subtly stalk me. Like for example the other day Maria took me out to lunch in a remote cafe in town and Theo and poppy happened to be there too. That is one of many, many situations. 

I had just been doing the dishes from breakfast. I had let that poor little girl Mary go back to her family and told her if she wanted to keep earning cash and couldn't find any other work that she could come bake but only if i help her. I hated that we were treating her in suck a way. I found out from Maria that she way an Omega and that Theo hadn't been paying her at all the first time she came and cooked for us. 

I walk outside and pull my hair free of its pony tail. I am so sick of Poppy and Theo.I have thought about leaving countless times but,  I love this pack and i love the people in it. So how could i leave? I got nearer to the Packs center when i saw a familiar face. Racing to catch up with him i laced my arm through his. 

"Jack! How are you this fine morning?" I giggled

He stopped and gave me a small smile. 

"Why if it isn't little miss sunshine! Kia Ora to you too Miss Bella." 

We walked across the pack grounds together laughing. Despite the fact he was the one who kidnapped me, Jack is actually a really nice, funny and friendly guy. 

"Hey Jack me, Maria, Sam and Leo were thinking about going into town today and going go karting together, you wanna join?" I ask as we approach Sam and Maria's House. 

He nods his head. " Sounds fabulous. I'll meet you at the gondola around midday?" 

"Yep. We'll see you then."

He turns around and heads toward the huge pack house i watch him leave for a few seconds before turning to Maria and Sam's house and knocking. 


Many hours later we finish Go karting. It was beautiful we rode down this massive track and when you looked up you could see the whole of Queenstown.  

We took the gondala down to the bottom of the hill. Jack we cracking jokes the whole time. But the whole day i couldn't get my mind off Theo. It hurt. Our bond is just growing and its now painful to be away from him. My Mind also managed to drift to Chase. He was coming back tomorrow. He had kept his promise so far and was still alive. We talked every night that he was away. I may of developed a bit of a crush on him but it was nowhere near how i felt about Theo... how i didn't want to feel for Theo but did. Ugh. 

We all piled into the car and made our way back to the Pack house. On our easy back we were blasting music out on full volume and singing along to them even louder. 

i still had Glorious by Macklemore playing on repeat in my head when i walked inside the pack house. But then my thoughts got Interrupted when i very rudely got pulled into a small closet. 

I turned to find candy green eyes staring back at me. 

"Why is it that i can't seem to go ten minutes without having an urge to be around you?" My attacker hissed. 

I crossed my arms over my belly.

"I really am a joy to be around maybe its that? But since you seem to hate my guts i'm gonna put it up to the mate bond." I pretended to inspect my nails. I look up only to see him confused.

"You don't know much about mates do you?" I ask.

"My parents didn't really educate me on the topic. They were mates so they thought all i needed to know at my young age was what i could see on their faces. They thought they should leave the R18 stuff till i was 14." He replied.

I took a step closer to him closing the gap between us. 

" Well let me educate you a little. Since we are still mates tequnically, every moment spent in the same room or touching, or talking causes our bond to grow and since ive been here for almost a month our bond has gotten to the point where we cant be without eachother. " 

He looked horrified. 

"Oh don't worry, i feel the same about you. You wanna know how to make it all go away?" 

Slowly he nodded.

" I Bella Summer reject you Theo Silver as my mate and my right to be luna of the silver blood pack." I hissed. 

He gasped in pain and held his stomach. 

"You know i'm tired of playing teacher, ask sam to tell you the rest. And now. I'm free but you however are still tied to me until you accept my rejection. Be free to do it anytime but preferably before your stupid mate ceremony." 

My heart hurt. I walked out of the closet like room with tears streaming down my face. My heart felt heavier and lighter at the same time. Did i do the right thing? 

My hands were shaking and i felt like throwing up.  walked out of the door wanting some air. I trotted down the stair and looked out onto the pack grounds and the forest . think i may just go for a run, let Lulu free. I'm about to walk towards the forest when a figure catches my eye. Their eyes were on my i could feel it. They saw me looking and dissapared into the forest.

I was left standing there open mouthed. 

Was someone following me


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