Chapter 55

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Theo's POV

" Take a step forward son come on I dare you." He hissed. 

I don't take a step instead I focus my fury onto the Knife he holds in his hands against my mates throat. I try channel all my emotion into it. All the anger and frustration. The longing and the hope. I push my emotion and i watch and the knife disappears from his hands. I hold it in my mind by shift my focas to Alpha Richard. 

" H- How did you?" he stammered. His eyes were wide with dis beilf. 

" Powers remeber." I growl. I rush foward using my speed. My wolf stirs as i graps onto my mates hand pulling her towards me. 

Jax had been quite ever since i had been taken only talking to me when Bella manged to contact me and i was strong enough to anser. They would force feed me Casia making mind linking practically impossible when it was in my system. 

" If i can't have her nobody can." He repeats. He grabs something from inside his deak before advancing on us.  A small fish knife was in his hands. I looked like it had just been sharpened. I look over at Bella to see her bitting her lip. I open the bond again and fear floods through me. She was scared. Images flow through my mind of her childhood. That same knife being sued to create scars. He torched her so much but never ever killed her and she had always wondered why. And image flashes through her mind of a day when Alpha Richard killed his old beta for beating her so much that her heart stopped beating for a few seconds. She remembers the pain and how scared she always felt  around him or his people. I had always seen her as the princess. But really she was a prisioner. A prawn in a game of power. She picked up on my line and nodded her head. her eyes never leaving Alpha Richard. 

She was furious and when Bella was furious. You knew it. She let her emotions loose and it knocked Alpha Richard over. She was growling roaring at him and i matched her fury with the same power. We were out for blood. Me for my mate, her for her mother. Using her speed she attempted to grab the knife off his but he was quick, cutting her back. Making her hiss with pain. At seeing his mate being hurt Jax broke to the surface roaring. He saw red and advanced towards that man who dare hurt his mate. He grabbe dthe knife out of the Alphas hand flinging it across the room. It got stuck in the wall. Making a wobbling sound. Jax retreats happy with his work

I got in the fighting stance ready for some good old fashion fighting, hand to hand combat. He advances on me fists flying. I grab his hand and sqeaze. Making a satifying crunch. He growled skaiing his fists. I try and take the advamge of kicking his in the stomach but he grabs my arm and throws me against the wall. I groan. My vision went fuzzy but it was starting to clear thanks to my quick healing abilities.The Alpha looks over at me pulling a knife out of his pocket he flings it at me. I doge it but it ends up grazing my side and i roar, my vision going blury again. I look over to see Bella kicking Alpha richards in the grion. I let out a low chuckle. 

" I will not be a prawn in your pathetic game any more i'm done." She screams at him. All he could do was chuckle. I get up quickly popping my bond back into place. 

I look up just as Bella screams. He had stabbed her in the foot with a knife. She stumbles over. Where the hell is her getting all these knives from!? I look down at her foot panicking but it was already healing. But the alpha was getting back up. Bella looks at me. Pleading, to help her. To do something. I turn around and spot the knife in the wall next to me. I wuickly pull it out. Bella catches onto what i was thinking and nodds. Her head. 

I fling the knife in the air towards her and she catches it like an expert. She kicks him in the shins and her stumbles over trying to regain some blance. She took the opitunity and plunges the kinfe into his chest. Roaring. he stumbles over sluttering. I rush foward and break his neck. Just to make sure. I clasp Bella's hand as we watch the life drain out of the man. He was dead. Gone. As were out problems. 

We sat in that silence for a long time just looking at him. Bella was stroking her tommy and i faintly hear Arthur come in. 

All i felt now was relif and love, but also shock. Me and Bella made a great team yes. Now our we were safe, our baby was safe. Just yesterday i thought that i was going to die along with her. Now i feel calm, almost at peace. I stroke Bella's hair trying to calm her. Wet tears slip down her face and each tear that falls my heart breaks a little more. 

She collapsed to the floor and i drop down with her. 

" Its ok its over." I whisper into her hair. 

" He's gone." 


2 chapters in one day bitches!! 

And its all over. All over. 

Ah... not quite yet. 


Semstar242 xx

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