Chapter 24

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I knew from Maria that Poppy was spending the whole day in town, pampering for her mating ceremony which means that Theo is in the house with me... Alone. 

Chase who has been begging for me to do many thing such as eat and forgive him outside my door. He also mentioned to me last night that he would be running a training camp for the kids and teens all day if i wanted to help him. I didn't reply. 

On top of all this Theo crap that Chase knows i'm going through and he knows i needed him to be there for me.... he wasn't. 

Sighing i find my way to the fridge.

"So you have finally finish moping in your room." I heard a velvety voice say from behind me. It sent shivers down my spine and made my body go numb with tingly sparks. At the sight of our mate Lulu Purred. I think she knew what i was planning. 

Lulu- Thank you for doing this Bella. I promise ill give you control back at 3pm sharp. 

Me- Yep and you know the conditions. 

Lulu- Yea yea, no mating with the devil

I mentally laugh. 

" Moping. No." Yes i was " I was talking to my wolf and we were planning our last day alive." 

"Your not gonna die." He said through gritted teeth." I still had my back to him but i could feel his presence. My body was aching for his touch and I hated it. Stupid mate bond. 

"Theo i'm giving you one last chance to accept my rejection or i will die as soon as your cainies hit her skin."

"I'm never ever going to accept it. You are MINE AND ONLY MINE." 

I didn't say anything. Instead i turned around and glared at him. 

" You lost the right to call me mine a long time ago Theodore. You have to earn my love." I hissed. 

He stared at me with his incredible green eyes that sent shivers down my spine. 

"What were you and Lulu planning." He said, changing the topic. 

I smirked. 

"I want to talk to Jax." I whispered. Walking up to him and running my hands up his chest only to cling to his hair. His eyes went darker.He took a deep breath.  He tried pushing me off. 


I pouted . If i told him what i intended to do he wouldn't let me and lulu would hate me again. 

"Theo, i'm going to be gone in forty eight hours. And you have been treating me like my step father. Like shit. So bring me Jax or ill find a way to bring him out. " I threaten. 

"No Bella. I treat you like shit because i have to keep you away from me. DO you really think i don't want to be you with. That i don't love you? You wrong. Everything i have ever done to you if for your own good. To protect you or to punish myself. Your Mine Bella. You were a gift to me..."

"Give me Jax" I growl. Not wanting to hear his excuses. 


I grabbed his hand and push him against the wall. I held his hands above him and smirked.

This way going to be the quickest way to get Jax to gain control. I know that Jax wanting to mark and mate with me and Lulu badly and that means if Theo is aroused or filled with lust it will be super easy for Jax to gain control.

Why do I want Jax to gain control? Because Lulu needs one day with him. Before were gone forever. 

I hold his hands strong above his head and make sure he can't move them. I slowly kiss him his neck softly. I move my lips up and place another kiss on his chin. Theo lets off a soft moan and closes his eyes. He had stopped trying to get out of my grip and relaxed.

I continued kissing his face softly. Teasing him. The sparks leaving my lips tingling when i break away. But it still wasn't enough. 

I pulled away from kissing along his shoulders and pulled our faces so that our faces were a millimeter away. He opened his eyes and i stared into them thinking about mating with him. Fuck. I was aroused. GOd i wished things were different. He looked so Sexy today its so unfair that our story was so full with hurt. 

He growled at me, my arousal and the loss of contact. His eyes darkened I take a breath. This was for me and Lulu. I claimed him lips. dropping his hands i wrapped my hands around his waist. He groans and flips us so that my back is pressed against the wall. His hands on my waist and my legs wrapped around his. He devoured me and my body seemed to be humming in pleasure. 

Lulu was pushing for control and i happily gave it too her. 

Lulu was in charge now and she was beyond happy that we were making out with our mate in fact she didn't want to stop. Theo opened his eyes and i stared into Black orbs. 

"Jax?" Lulu whispered

"Lulu?" Jax's husky voice replied. 

Goal completed.


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