Chapter 54

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Theo's POV

I'm sitting there at the back of the dark hole as i have been for a while now. The yern to be with my mate was so strong that i actually started to cry. I never cry, ever. 

The only thing i know about the room its filled with Casia, a small herb that Bella warned me to stay away from. It fills this entire room and its making me weak and as a result i keep blacking out. 

My eyes shift about the room trying to find the plant. I needed it gone as long as i could so that my senses could grow strong enough to find a light switch. But all i felt was a dull nothing. It made it impossible to do anything with all the Casia in the room. I see why its terrible for silver bloods being near it. It's like a slow torchere and it seems to kill you slowly. If i was left in here for a month then all they would find was a corpse. 

Bella had mid linked me though and told me to try. I didn't know what was happening to her, she couldn't tell me anything. 

I tried focusing on the room again but it just made me feel even more sick and it wasn';'t much longer till i blacked out. 


I woke up to light blinding me. There was a figure walking towards me. I blinked a couple of times trying to assess my surroundings. The light had flooded the room making me realise i had been placed in a shipping container. The explains the cold metal. The Casia was lining the very top of it in little pots, it looked like they were trying to grow it. How pathetic of them, they use trickery instead of fist fighting. Thats not how Alphas behave, its how vampires behave. And witches. 

I shake off the thought and turn my attention back to the figure who was now standing in front of me. As soon as i caught their face i growled lowly, but it sounded weak, pathetic. 

" Lost all your energy?" Her voice was sickening to hear. Then she leaned down shoving her boobs in my face and started to trace my abs. I felt like puking. " You could of had all this." She gestured to her gross fake body. I just rolled my eyes at her growling again. 

" Why the hell would i want a slut like you Poppy when i could have my Bella?" I looked into her eyes my own blazing. You little she grabs my neck squeezing. I tried to pull it off but i was too weak. Black spots appeared at my vision and i couldn't breath. I quickly blocked out the mate bond to prevent Bella from getting hurt. 

" I'm going to enjoy watching you die. " She snickered. 

I closed my eyes thinking about Bella and our unborn child. What would happen? I thought about our love and what we have been thought together. 

I love you Bella

I whisper even though i know she won't be able to hear me. I close my eyes and embrace the darkness. A dizzy feeling washing over me. I prepare myself of death. 

But then Poppy's hands are gone and there is screaming. Slowly I peel my eyes open to find a man standing in front of me. Poppy's dead body at his feet. 

" So your the glorious mate that Bella drags on about." the man said looking and me with curiosity. I shift uncomfortably. 

" You are?" I ask. My voice is husky still recovering from nearly being chocked to death. 

" Arthur. The Lycan." He bowed a grin on his face. " Your mate recruited me as your childs god daughter so here i am making sure i actually get to see my god daughter." He chuckled. 

So this was the Lycan that works for Bella's asshole father. Strange. He doesn't seem very dangerous. He's my child's god father? How come i didn't get any say in this. Also he smells like rouge, how the hell could a Lycan be rouge? I ask him and he tells me about his great escape form the island. 

" Where's Bella? I assume you have seen her?" I ask him as he helps me walk out of the crate.

" Yep. She's with Alpha Richard as we speak." He lets go of me and lights a match throwing it onto a box of Casia. he continues this to all the box's are lit up in flames. I watch trying to process what he just said. 

" Wait WHAT!" I scream. I glared at him and start growling under my breath. 

" She's handling him. My job is to get you far far away from here. We are meeting her at the airport." 

" No we are not. I need to help her. " He turned to look me in the eyes. 

" Look mr prince caring, knight in shining armour. She gave me specific instructions not to let you anywhere near him. He can't mark her. So technically all she has to do is kill him. Lets go." He walks up to me trying to push me backwards. I look at him. 

" No. I need to help my mate." 

" You won't be helping her if you die." 

" I'm not going to!" 

" How the hell do you know that!" He screams. " You will be doing nobody favours by walking inside his office. Just... come on lets do what your mates says." I look him. he wasn't gonna let me get anywhere near that office. I huff 

" Fine. " 

" Great can we go?" He asks, sounding bored. I nod. 

He starts walking away from the pack house across a muddy field towards what looks like a car park. He was whistling a tune. Obviously thinking i was actually going to follow. I grinning i took off towards the pack house. I used my wolf speed to get me out of what seemed like a small landfill. It was down the side of the pack house, stinky and gross. 

I rushed up to the stairs stopping only to ask where the alphas office is. I pushed open the door not even bothering to knock. 

There is saw my beautiful mate hold a knife to her step fathers throat snarling in his ear. Her emotions were strong his her eyes and bright, like fireworks. They were angry. Alpha Richard looked up catching a glimpse of me. 

In second the position changed and my mate was the one with a knife at her throat. I suck in a breath. I took a step forward but he pressed the knife right up against Bella's neck giving me a look, daring me to come closer. 

" If i don't get her, nobody does." He bellowed


TA DA!!!! 

What was that? 

Three chapter's in a weekend? 

Really? yes! 

I'm clapping myself on the back currently. 


Also did you guys like the cover i did for Queen of stars??

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Love you guys!

Semstar242 Xx

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