Chapter 41

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Bella's POV

I sit on my bed in silence twiddling my thumbs. Theo left this morning for America. I'm feeling extremely distant and lost at the moment i can sense that he's fine but i really doesn't stop me worrying. 

My step father is a twisted sick basted who would do anything to gain power. I nearly puke at the thought of him doing anything to my mate. I know Theo is strong i mean he's the Alpha king who is feared by all but my step father is smart and he has nearly killed Theo once i really don't want to think about what he'll do to him if Theo lets his guard down for even one second.... too late. I race to the bathroom, i got to the toilet just as puke was flying out of my mouth. I felt like shit. After my breakfast left my tummy i stand up sigh and stroke my hand over my flat stomach. Apparently i was around two weeks pregnant, and no i haven't told Theo because quite frankly he wouldn't of left my side and i know he needs to do this as much as i hate to see him leave and how much i pray for his return i know that this is something that needs to be done. 

I wash my mouth out and brush my teeth as i think about the child growing inside of me. I'm only eighteen, would i even make a great mother? I start stroking my tummy again a habit that i have started to get into. It seems to calm me. Apparently in a few weeks i'l start to show but i don't want to tell anyone not even my best friends that i'm pregnant, because thats unfair to Theo that they know about our child before him. 

I spend a majority of the day in my and Theo's room just thinking. I do quite a lot of crying, this baby has made me an emotional train wreck. I mainly just laying in bed in one of Theo's shirts breathing in his sent pretending he was here with me. I felt like a vampire all holed up in this room. I scrunch up my nose not the best thing to compare your self with those horrible creatures. I hate crossing paths with one of them they are really creepy and not at all what you would expect. I remember when i was seven and a vampire who was visiting my step father tried to suck me dry, he was speaking to me like he wanted sex and he was really super creepy i mean i'm only seven not fucking seventeen. Anyway my father ended up pulling him away after one minute of enjoying watching me scream and hiss in pain from the blood sucker putting its dirty teeth into me. 

I shudder not liking the memory. Anyway us wolves are the easiest to be around, Witches or Lycans are probably the hardest. Because a witch toys you and a Lycan destroys you if you do one single thing to anger it. I remember in the book of prophecies it says for the prince, princess and their child to keep away from witches because they are the most likely to get jealous of the power we posses. Witch are suppose to be the only one's who can do spells and it takes decades to master them, so considering they aren't immortal like Lycan's they are mostly just pathetic creatures who other super natural creatures go to for cirtan spells like a boarder spell, trust me witches are nothing like what you hear about in story books. So for us to have power easily mastered they would do their best to end us. 

I fall asleep that night worrying about Theo and all that could be out to get him


Hey guys i know SUPER short chapter but i thought i would just give you guys and update! 

i will have a longer and better update soon


Semstar242 xx

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