Chapter 53

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Me and Arthur had spent from 2am to 4am discussing what we were going to do. We had our fair share of whisper arguing keeping in mind that we were trying not to wake anyone up. I was determined to make sure Theo was safe and he was determined to make sure me and the baby made it out safe. He nearly chopped off my head when he saw how badly i had been treating myself and the baby, i did explain to him that i had an extremely valid reason. He got shot back that ' there is no such thing a valid reason for risking your health and the babies.' I just glared at him, making no attempt of arguing against him because i knew he was right. 

Finally i was allowed to sleep and i did just that. Dreaming of all the possible outcomes for tomorrow in the small amount of four hours that i was asleep. Finally Cethin came in waking me up with her new snappy, bitchy attitude. I didn't do anything i just stood there mute. When she tried to talk to me i didn't answer.

"You fucking bitch answer me." She growled grabbing my hair and giving it a hard tug. I didn't scream in pain even though it hurt. I just stayed mute staring up at her. She started getting frustrated with me shouting and screaming at me. I stayed calm and mute making no attempt to show any sign of my emotions or what i was thinking. She huffed in frustration. I could feel Theo watching this with amusement from the other side of the bond. She watched my face careful. 

" If you don't do something or say something or at least make a move to get ready i will have no problem killing your little mate." She looked at me triumphant. Everyone knows that a wolfs mate is their weakness, thankfully wolves have learnt from history to make sure that they always have something to keep their mate safe. So i remained unfazed by her comment. 

" And kill me at the same time? My step father would never forgive you and you can forget your little fantasy about being with him. " I said blandly. Yet still not giving off any emotion. She glared at me. 

" Really your just as stuck as i am." I continued and i watched as her eyes began to twitch with anger. " So i suggest you help me, if you really want to help me because guess what darling, even though my father thinks he has Theo as leverage he is extremely wrong. Really there is nothing stopping me from killing you. " I stand up and start advancing towards her. She bit her lip frowning. 

"Oh really? Not even this." She flicks her wrist but nothing happens. I smirk at her. Her face falls and she tries again... nothing. I start laughing that stupid stupid girl. 

" Do you really think i would let a dark witch near me without any.. precautions." I giggle. Sh stared at me horrified. 

" Well you won't remember this but i told you that you didn't want to hurt and or anyone i know. You won't hurt me or anyone i know. " I snuck into her room last night while me and Arthur were setting up our plan. I woke her up and compelled her to never hurt anyone i love, or me. I also made her forget what i told her, otherwise she may just go running to her precious Alpha Richard. 

She hissed at me. 'I just raised my eye brow at her. 

" So now your just a liability." I state. Before using me super speed to get behind her and snap her neck. She tumbled over very much dead and i wrinkle my nose in disgust, sighing. She just had to betray my trust. Plus now my step father didn't have a witch to remove my mark. Due to Arthur killing his back up on his way in. Apparently she had been told to keep tabs on me and Cethin. Something about me not being trusted? Pff. 

I leave the room advancing into the hallway. I had one destination and began my journey to it. Killing anybody of who in my way. That turned out to be quite a lot of people. I think my father knew that i would probably get free at some point one way or another and wanted reassurance that i couldn't leave the US. Or his pack house.

I finally reached my destination. My step father or Cethins precious Alpha Richard had locked my poor mate in a shipping container down my the trash in the pack house. My wolf was glad to finally be getting some action, she was waiting for it, anticipating it. My first stop was to finally end this game once and for all. 

I knock three times on the door before entering. My stepfather sat at the far end of the room signing paperwork. I entered the room with confidence. Happy this was going to end soon. 

" Took you long enough." Alpha richard says without looking up at me. " You know i really though it would take you way less time to get here considering you were up at two am this morning." I nods my head but don't say anything. 

" You hold a lot of meetings here." I say motioning around the room. He nods in responce looking up at me. In a flash i'm behind him holding a knife to his throats. 

" The one person you never met was death, How about it introduce the two of you." I push the knife further into his neck and he coughs. But then he starts to laugh. 

" Silly girl i wouldn't do that if i were you. I still have your mate, i die, he dies.'" waggles his finger." You die." 

" You have my mate? Really because i'm fairy cirtan he is at the airport right now waiting for me to join him so we can go home." 

" and how is that possible." 

" I have a friend who has come to visit us and decided to help us break loose." 

" That Lycan guy? What if i told you we caught him too?" 

" Then you would be lying. Wouldn't you?" 

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