Chapter 28

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Bella POV
if what I'm thinking is correct then we're fucked. We have doomed society. What was the moon goddess thinking!? But I need more confirmation I refuse to accept this until I have more proof.

I'm lying in bed with my tractor yet beautiful mate beside me. I take the time to take in all his features. His soft hair that is now a mess. It looks super sexy and I just want to run my hands through it. His face. Usually so cold and stern is now relaxed a slight smile plays on his lips. I sigh and turn away from him.

Despite all the hardship he's put me through and all the ignoring and hurt. But even while he was ignoring ne I would be looking at him, studying him. My beautiful mate with a frozen heart. He once told me that he was incapable of loving. But he's wrong. He loves his friends like brothers and he loves his pack like a family and I going to make it my duty to love me as his mate. Not just because society needs us to but because I fell in love with the boy who watched everything been taken away from him in one night. Just from watching him from afar.
And I don't plan of falling out of love any time soon.
But I need to leave.
I need to find out if what I know is true.

The next few minutes are spent quietly rushing around the room using my werewolf speed. Every minute i would have to stop to check Theo was still sound alseep. I pack a small backpack with only enough for a few days. That's how long i'm going. I'm not going forever. I just.... need to know. 


I stop walking for a moment and pull my puffer jacket tighter around me, sadly it doesn't make me any warmer. The winter weather is really starting to get to me. The wind is strong and agressive, slapping my cheeks and pulling at my hair. Its making my cheeks tingle red and my lips go blue. My fingers are so cold i can't feel them any more. Sighing i decide this will be the best time to shift so that i don't end up with hypothermia. I just hope i'm doing the right thing. 

Lulu- You are Bella, i don't like staying away form Theo anymore than you do but this is something we need to do... you could of left a note though. 

I roll my eyes at my wolf and start to strip down. Once i was naked i stuffed my clpthes into my bag and quickly shifted. Lulu trotts over and grabs our bag. 

Within seconds were running. We run for hours upon hours until its nearly one oclock in the afternoon, the next day. I have tried to keep my thoughts calm and have a good mind set but my mind keeps getting invaded with Theo's worried voice. I cut off the mind link every time but he just opens it again a few minutes later once i'm calm again. 

Lulu shifts back into human form and i pull some warm clothes on. The weather has heated up but it was still cold enough that i was shivering. I walk over to a cafe and buy some lunch scoffing it down. Checking my phone i find my inbox full with text messages

Jack 10 messges 

Leo 37 messages

Sam 38 messages

Chase 89 messages 

Maria 94 messages 

Theo 269 messages 

I frown. They all basically say the same thing, come back home. I'm sorry guys but not just yet. I think but i don't reply to their text's. Popping my phone away i walk in the direction of the motel i saw when i was coming out of the woods. The town was small but beautiful and i didn't;'t know the name of it nor did i see any signs that may give me clues. But i knew that the ferry to get from the south island where i was to the north island took off from here, all i needed was a few hours sleep. But i was worried Theo may find me i mean he has spies EVERYWHERE. Especially all over the south island keeping in mind that its all his territory. 

After i grab me key to my room the first thing i do is go inside and walk inside the bathroom. Closing the door i slowly slide down the wall as i let my tears fall. It was hard being so far away from him and every fiber of my being was screaming to run home and into his arms. But this was something i had to do. So with the little energy i had left i pull myself off the floor. Bracing myself i wipe away my tears and look into the mirror.  I look like shit. My eyes have deep dark circles under them from lack of sleep and my skin was pale and un natural. But one thing caught my eye. 

Theo's mark. It was beautiful and unlike anything i had ever seen. Usually mates marks are just their initials with some details that change depending on your rank, the colour usually a pitch black. but this was something entirely different. The mark was silver and had two crowns joining at the end with Theo's initials in the middle. It had the most incredible designs that just confirm my theory even more....


I was nearly caught. I was right, the receptionist at the motel i was staying at told Theo where i was and by now he would be there sniffing out my trail. Luckily i got a head start. I managed to set my alarm and get out quick but i managed to hear the receptionist on the Phone with him while i snuck past her. Geez can't a girl get some privacy though i do like how he's going through all this trouble just to bring me back home. I smile as Lulu huffs and runs even faster. She want to get home to our mate as soon as possible and truth be told so do i. 

But suddenly Lulu comes to a holt. 

Lulu- Bella i can smell someone there. Hurry! run! Its a.....

Suddenly her thoughts were cut off as a man who would put all models to shame appeared before me. he was built with chocolate and eyes that were a mixture of green, yellow and brown. I could tell by his beauty that he was a Lycan. 

Lycans are like werewolves but they stand on two feet, they are a hundred times more ruthless, if they see red there is no stopping them killing an entire city unless you kill them of course. But the only way to do that is to take their spine out. I mentally cringe. The King and Queen of supernatural cretchers are Lycans because of how strong they are Plus a Lycan's mate system works in a different way to werewolves. Their Mate could be anyone at all. But they arn't mates they are Erasthai. Lycan's can chose mates and since they are immortal their Erasthai could come along at any point of their life. Their Erasthai is their true mate though and they are far more attracted to them than any other being.  In a way the bond between a Lycan and his Erasthai is stronger than a werewolf mate bond. 

This Lycan here is a rouge i can tell from the smell of him. But i don't really want to upset him because if he gets angry ill be dead in seconds. 

" Shift." His voice is calm enough and i intent to keep it that way. I make my way behind the trees and shift back into human form tossing some comfy clothes on. As soon as i step out from behind the tress and grabs my hand pulling me further into the forest. 

" And where the hell  do you think your taking me?" I snap. I really don't have time for this. 

" To my boss princess." He growled. I could tell he was extremely impatient not a very good quality fro a Lycan to have. 

" And who the hell might that be?" 

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