Chapter 27

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Bella's POV

"Alright time for the two lovers to mark each other before we begin our other ceremonies." I heard Leo say. he was leading the ceremony, considering he was the Beta. 

"be free to just mark...." He continued nodding his head. 

I kept my eyes on Theo as he slowly walked towards Poppy. I could see hesitation in his steps. I held my breath, waiting for death to greet me. A few more steps and Theo was towering over Poppy getting ready to mark her. I could hear the audience whispering, sending me worried glances. I just kept my eyes on Theo, my body tensed waiting for the pain to snatch me up. 

Then i'm a second he wasn't by poppy but me. Before i could protest his Teeth sunk into my sweet spot and i screamed in pain. Not how i imagined the situation. Slowly those pains turned into moans of pleasure. It felt good, there were little tingles all over my body. Slowly i felt his carnies pull out of my neck and his soft lips were against mine. Gosh all these fast decisions. A rush of spark flooded through my body at my mates close contact. He continued to devour my mouth, he was owning me, showing everyone i was his.... how... how could he. 

I could hear the crowd cheering. Theo pulled away and i just stared at him. He marked me without my permission. 




I ran. 

Theo's POV

I watched as she ran from the room and it felt like she took my heart with her. yes i marked her without permission. But i had too. There was no way in hell that i was going to make that bitch my packs Luna. I mean seriously. I can't believe she was raised by alpha, she's a spoilt slut who doesn't give a dam about anyone. That is not someone i want to lead my pack with me. Now Bella. She's everything I need for the pack and more. She's kind, caring, beautiful, she puts others above herself at all times and i am totally in love with her. Every time i'm with her there is like a pull towards her, a constants spark and nervousness when she's near. When she kisses me, god my heart and mind explode. I can't think about anything, all i can focus on is her and the pleasuring shivers that are sent down my spine. Every time she pulls away i instantly miss her being so close. I would of marked her a long time ago if i wasn't so focused on trying to protect her from me. But little did she know every time i knew she wasn't looking i would take in every detail every action and this just made me fall further in love with her. 

She when she ran i followed. I never told her what i was planning because i knew how i've been treating her and she wouldn't give me permission. Does that make me a bad person? Yes. But at this point i need to be fucking selfish because when it comes to her i can't help myself. She mine. Nobody else. No man should even look at her but me. She's for to treasure and me only. the pack now thats different. 

I find her outside in the garden. Her shoulders went rising and dropping rapidly, indicating that she was crying. The sounds of her sobs were a sound i hated to hear and ones that i have been tourcing myself with since she got here. I slowly walk up to her cautiously i touch her shoulder. sparks invade my finger tips at the slight touch. I nearly sigh when i feel the sparks die... she flinched away from me. i walked around so i was facing her

"Angle..." I say gently. Afraid if i yell i'll break her. 


" Bella, i did what i wanted to do for once instead of what i had to do. I was tired of pushing you away of having all these little fears about what would happen if we were together. I'm in love with you Bella. So i was selfish. I did what was best for the pack, but also best for me. My pack needs a Luna and i need a mate. Not just anyone, You, my true mate." 

" Theo, you marked me without my permission." 

" I know, but i don't regret it. Now everybody knows your mine." 

" Theo you don't understand... You marked me... Now it will begin...." She whispered that last part her eyes staring into the difference. 

"What will begin." Curiosity filled me. One of the things my father always told me was that i was way too curious for my own good. She was silent. 

"Bella, what will happen?" I repeated. I was growing impatient. 

" Theo i need to get away from here for a while." 

" Your not going anywhere..." 

" I am Theo and you can't stop me... I'm going to find my father he use to live here so i'm going to start at the top of the north island and work my way down...." 

"Bella, you are going nowhere near the north island." 

"Why the hell not?" 

" Because that is territory of the King of rougues and i am NOT letting you go."

" Oh but you are." 

"Do not arugue with me Bella. I don't care what you do or where you go to search for him, but you will not go go to the north island and anywhere you go, you will be going with me." 

She glared at me and her eyes shone. I could see her wolf was fighting for control. 

Standing up, she threw herself at me. The fact that her eyes were still her sky blue told me she wanted to kiss me. What a relief. She was staring at me with those incredible eyes and i melted. She tangled her hands in my hair breathing in my sent. This time i stopped hiding my reactions to her touch. I moaned softly, the feel of her skin against mine was amazing. I Grab the back of her neck and softly angle her mouth just above mine waiting. 

"Theo can i ask you something Theo?" 

I don't say anything instead i claim her lips. My lips tingle in delight. I felt as if she had cast a spell on me. I am the Alpha Theodore of the Silver blood pack. I'm tough and ruthless i kill without a second thought, you don't dare cross me, But Bella did and it made me angry as much as it made me love her. She's strong and passionate and kind and everything i want and need in a mate. She's mine. She taught me to love again and for that i'm forever in her dept. 

"Theo" she mumbles against my mouth, interrupting our heated make out session. Suddenly she pulls away. I whimper from the loss of contact. 

" Theo whats your mothers last name, her maiden name." 

" I don't think...." 

" Tell me Theo or else there will be hell to pay." She told me sternly. 

I hesitated " Lucia Mathews..." 

" Don't lie to me Theo... Tell me the truth." 

Why does she need to know? Anyway i promised my mother when iw as ten that i would never ever tell anyone who she really was. But bella.... 

" Theo tell me or i will kill you." 

" You could never kill me sweat heart." I tease a smile pulling at my lips. 

" DO NOT change the subject Theodore." 

" Fuck, i love the way my full name rolls off your lips." 

She gave me a look. I give up, this is my mate i'm sure that mother would be ok with me tell her... right?

" Fine it's Lucia Royal, yes the missing sister to the soon to retire king.. which makes me a prince. Blah blah blah. Can we just get back to kissing?" I snapped. 

I look at Bella. Her eyes were impossibly wide and she was getting paler by the second. She looked really shaken up. 

Bella's POV

If what i know is true then...

We're Doomed. 

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