Chapter 3

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I had been floating in and out of conscious the whole plane ride. I was then carried to another van, I don't know how long we drove until we got to the place because i kept blacking out. When we finally arrived they throw me in a dark and dirty cell in the basement of this huge house! It was way bigger than any of the buildings at my fathers pack. I wonder if it was a pack house or just the Alpha's. I stop my thoughts for a moment, I should be frightened for my life but instead I'm thinking about the size of the house!? Typical Bella.

I plonk myself down on the bed in my cell, not that I would call it a bed, it's more like a piece of wood attached to the wall with a blanket I top. I sigh running my hands through my hair, could it get any worse? I was cold and hungry- I haven't eaten in weeks. I needed to get out of here, I don't want to die! Or do I? I have gone through hell. So I really don't want to have to keep fighting anymore because quite frankly I'm sick of being treated like an object, being thrown around- broken and bent to other people's gain. I just wanted my mother.

My mother... I try and remember the story she use to tell me every night as a kid. It was a legend." The prophecy says that the princess of rouges and the prince of were wolves will mate together and produce a child who will fall in love will the Prince of Super natural creatures. The Princess and the prince will obtain powers that no other werewolf holds once they complete the mating bond their First born child will then also obtain powers. This child will bring together all magical cretchers, many will envy her but most will worship and admire her. She will bring peace among all magical cretchers. This will also be the start of the silver blood line. Where the first born child will obtain a special power that is unique to their personality. It is their sacred duty to protect humans and all who are innocent against evil. They will rule with peace. " I manage to smile slightly. If only she was here with me.... she would know what to do. I lean my head against the brick wall. I miss her.
A few hour later I was on the verge of sleep when the huge metal bars start scraping and clanking making me shoot up in fright. The 'ash blond haired' guy comes in, my wolf snarls at the back of mind and I smirk accompanying it with a deadly glare. Somehow it didn't seem to faze him, he just turned and grinned at me
" alright princess, Alpha wants to talk to you." He said, rolling his eyes at my tense frame. Have I mention how surprised I am that I'm NOT dead. He's too nice... it must be a tactic.

I smile at him, a sickly sweet smile" Please."
I begged "call me Bella" I hated it when people called me princess, it reminded me of every image my father drilled into everybody's head, making me feel sick.

" Jake. Sorry that I had to inject you but I couldn't have you running away."
I nod slowly, I didn't want to accept him apology, I was suspicious-wasn't he suppose to be leading me to my death? " where am I?"

" Your in New Zealand home and the base of the largest and strongest pack in the world. The Silver Blood pack." He told me proudly.

New Zealand! No wonder it's so cold. I have always wanted to go to New Zealand mother always told me it was one of her favourite places in the world. I'm actually kind of glad I'm going to die here then, maybe Mums here with me, smiling down and trying to tell me that I will see her soon. But wait- largest pack? It's so small here.... oh no! This is Alpha Theo's pack. I have heard rumours about him, my father whispering his name. He keeps all the important people in his pack here and has allies and stations all around the world making him one of the strongest most diverse packs ever- you would be stupid to mess with him! .... and I'm going to meet him. Holy shit.... holy shit! This isn't going to go well.

I nod at Jack stiffly " lead the way" I whisper, completely and utterly terrified now, who knows what's going to happen? He may tear me part in front of his entire pack or slowly stab me over and over and over again. I bet he will be just as creative, maybe even more in ways of ending those who he hates lives. I keep thinking up all the ways I'm going to die as I follow Jack through the house right to the top floor " Jack? Is this the pack house or the Alpha's?"

" it's the Alpha's he loves his space, our pack house is only a 10 minute drive down the road though." I nod, so there is no escaping. If I try he will order people to kill me. I'm well and truely screwed.

Suddenly I stop in my tracks making jack turn around to look at me confused, but I just stood there shocked. I sniff at the air, I could smell the most amazing sent it was addicting. It was peppermint and woodlands. Mhmmm, i hum softly in pleasure, closing my eyes. The sent is close by. A small voice pokes at the back of my mind- mate? It whispers. Since I'm travelling on death road I choose to ignore it, not wanting the idea of my mate being in this pack to be true. For me to leave before finding them.

Jack knocks on the door to what looks like the Alpha's office. Then he opens it without permission,I stiffen. I've seen what my father does to people who enter before knocking, it's not pretty. I just hope Alpha Theo isn't like that.

We walk in and I see the most handsome man ever to stand on this earth sitting in his desk chair which a naked female draped over the chair cooing at him. Embarrassed at catching such a sight I turn and look at the floor, my cheeks stained red.

" um Alpha I'm sorry to interrupt but I have miss Bella here." Jack says awkwardly. It seems he was just as weirded out as I was. I shuffle slightly on the spot clasping my hands tightly. I could feel his gaze on me. I take a peak up to see that the Alpha was sending the naked girl out the door. I quickly lower my gaze as the Alpha comes down from his desk. I feel him grip my hair. " You have no idea how long I have wanted to get my hands on you. That monsters prize." He said in a low velvety voice. I take this moment to look up at him.
My wolf pops up in my mind.
His beautiful green eyes widen
Lulu- mate mate mate
Lulu- I need him please Bella I need to smell him.

I try not to let my wolf become in charge. That would not end well.

I look back up and him and he growls.

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