Chapter 45

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I wonder through the mess and caos the pack was making. I sang softly under my breath metally reaching inside their minds through the mate bind trying to calm every's emotions, the pack was afraid. Aftraid it would be their loved ones next. I was able to stop the first one but nine after that? I wasn't so lucky. I feel like i'm letting the pack down, like i'm letting Theo down. I try not to cry though i have to be strong for my pack and my mate. 

I make make my way through the woods to a place i never knew of until a few weeks ago when Chase showed me our pack witches cottage. I hadn't met the witch yet but i felt her presence and it was powerful. 

I made my ay up to the beautiful old cottage and knocked on the door. fear seeping through me. I gulped as i awaited the arrival of the mysterious witch at the door. After a few minutes of waiting i sighed turning to leave. 

" It'd rude to 'ding dong ditch' you know." An angelic voice called from behidn me. I turned back towards the house to see a lady no younger than 20 but no older than 30 yet she seemed powerful and wise. She was absolutly beautiful and she had a healthy glow around her. Her smile was genuine as was the tinkle of laughter in her eyes. She had darkly tanned skin with green eyes. Her hair was a glossy choclate colour. She was wearing a white romper and her necklase was the stone of a white witches. Of course Theo had one of the most powerful witches as his packs witch. 

" You must be Grace." I ask hesitantly. 

"And you must be the Luna, its a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, come in." Her warm and comforting eyes make me feel better about what i was to ask of her, it helped that she was powerful as well . I walked into the comforts of her home, books lined the shelves and the room had an extremely homey vibe to it. " You have a lovely home." I muse. " I'm sorry but you must forgive me but i only heard of you not too long ago other wise i would have met you sooner." I turn to face the young witch who was busy rushing around the kitchen trying to find things to serve me. 

" It is quite alright Princess Bella, i'm just glad i get to meet a prophecy child." My eyes snap up to hers. Not many people know of my situation though if you knew who both me and Theo's parents were it really wouldn't be hard to figure it out. Still Theo's mother kept her identity a secret for a reason, news seems to spread fast. Grace was looking at my stiffened state with ammusement." Calm down Princess i'm not out for your blood, Theo had to tell me about your situation in order for me to do a spell for him it was my price." I stared at her alarmed. 

" Oh Princess, I'm only the witch of this pack because I owed Alpha Theo my life, so as due he got me to be the pack witch but i don't work for free, usually i get Paid but information sounded so much more tempting, this time round." She said with a smirk. 

" What was the spell?" I question my eyes staring into her intence ones, she seemed like an honest enough person and a witch i should not fear, all of her actions were genuine and good. 

" That my dear is something i have been sworn to secrecy about." She waggled her finger at me as if to tell me off, i frown at her actions but hold back a growl. This witch is beyond mysterious.

" You want to tell me though don't you?" I stared into her eyes my voice lulling, making her mind want to obey every thing i say. Her eyes brighten a bit and i could tell she was under my influence.

" I do?... Oh yes i do. He asked me to put up a boarder so that nobody could leave his.. 'base' , in exchanged i asked for information, really it was just confirmation on who you were and clarification that the night i saw the bus stop disappear right in front of my eyes, seconds later there was a lamp post then. Whoosh... Nothing." She waved her hands around exsaduating the hand movements she was doing, i have never ever met a witch this dramatic. 

" You were there." I ask as she settled down. Grace looks into the distance thinking. 

" Yes i was behind you, you didn't see me though. As soon as i sore the state your mate was in i knew there was something going on." I move my eyes away from her releasing her from my gazes hold. 

" Shoot! Did i just say that?" Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth. " fudge Theo's going to kill me." Her eyes were wide and panicked she started pacing the room. I roll my eyes and place a hand on my small bump.

" I won't tell him you told me if you help me with something." I bargained, watching as her pacing slowly decrease and she stoped right in front of me. 

" So were making bargins now? " She snorted. I just looked at her my eyes telling her what i thought. " Fine, but we play by my rules princess." She hired like a young child and rested her elbows on the kitchen counter. I quirked an eyebrow in question. she shoke her head waving a hand at me. " What is it you want?" 

I stifle a laugh at Grace she really is the most amusingly strange person i have ever met. I sober up though knowing i have to get down to business. " We a spy in our midsts, Theo has been taken by my step father and is in America, i can't go just yet to get him no matter how much i want to! I will get caught and that will help nobody, so i need my little spy." My voice was low and dangerous. 

" The one who has been attacking the pack?" Grace asked quirking an eyebrow in question. I nodd. 

" Do you know who it could possibly be?" I ask. My eyes watching hers. 

" Bella, I have never ever met anybody in the pack apart from you and what makes you think I would know?" She looked at me and her eyes seemed to be screaming DUH. She isn't lying, but she is my last hope, she must know something... ANYTHING that could help me. 

" Please Grace! I have to know... are there any other witches in this pack, who ever it is isn't trained i'm begging you, i need to get to my mate. Please." I begged. My eyes were pleading looking into her own forest green ones. She sighed. 

" Check the pack's family trees. That should have something that could help you, if the witch is untrained and is doing simple magic then its more likely they are only part witch. Just... be careful will you?" Grace tells me. Giving me a small smile she flicks her wrist towards me and smoke starts to rise around me, i can see that she is chanting something under her breath, something i can't hear. 

The wind is rushing around me and i blink... i was at the edge of the forest by the pack house. I took a deep breath and looked around. Before i could even take another breath my feet were directing me towards the pack library. 

This was it.  My chance to chase down this spy, once and for all.

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